More people paid surtax
Income and consumption;Public sector
skattoppgjor, Tax statement, tax assessment, capital tax, surtax, tax arrears, BSU (savings scheme for adolescents to buy house)Tax accounts , Personal tax, Income and consumption, Public sector

Tax statement2007



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More people paid surtax

Surtax was assessed for 880 000 persons in 2007. This is an increase of 130 000 from the previous year. The total assessed surtax increased by 28 per cent to NOK 16.8 billion.

A general strong income growth and a relatively small increase in the lower threshold contributed to more people with surtax. The lower threshold in the surtax increased from NOK 394 000 to NOK 400 000 from 2006 to 2007, while stage 2 was reduced from NOK 750 000 to NOK 650 000, compared to the previous year. The surtax had the same rate both years.

Total assessed tax and reductions

Total assessed tax before deductions amounted to NOK 316.6 billion in 2007, of which county income tax amounted to NOK 111.3 billion, national common tax NOK 97.2 billion, and wealth tax NOK 11.8 billion. Membership contributions to the national insurance scheme totalled NOK 78.7 billion. Total surtax amounted to NOK 16.8 billion. The county income tax increased by 2 per cent from 2006 to 2007 and national common tax increased by approximately 23 per cent.

Total tax deductions and tax reductions amounted to NOK 8.3 billion in 2007, and NOK 7.4 billion in 2006. From this, tax limitations on the basis of low ordinary income constituted the largest deduction, totalling NOK 4.8 billion. The deductions were applied for 527 000 persons.

The total assessed tax was NOK 308 billion; an increase of almost 12 per cent from the previous year.

Wealth tax

Total assessed wealth tax amounted to NOK 11.8 billion, of which NOK 7.8 billion was assessed by the county, and NOK 3.9 billion was assessed by the state. This constitutes an 20 per cent increase in wealth tax compared to 2006.

Statistical basis

The statistics are based on the tax settlement base of the Directorate of Taxes, see About the statistics .
