Fewer wild reindeer felled
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
reinjakt, Wild reindeer hunting, wild reindeer felled, wild reindeer areas, felling ratio, felling quotaHunting , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Wild reindeer hunting2009

The figures in the publications from 2003-2011 are preliminary. From 2012 the figures published are final.



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Fewer wild reindeer felled

A total of 5 100 wild reindeer were shot during the hunting, a decline of 60 animals from 2008. Most reindeer were felled in the Rondane wild reindeer area.

Number of wild reindeer felled. 1980-2009*

Number of licences issued and number of wild reindeer felled. 1980-2009*

Out of a felling quota of 9 648 animals, 5 100 were felled. This results in a felling percentage of 53. In 2008, the felling quota was slightly lower, while the felling percentage was 55.

Felling continues to fall on Hardangervidda

The Hardangervidda plateau is Norway's largest wild reindeer area . In the last part of the 1990s, 3 000-4 000 wild reindeer were felled in this area every year. Four years ago the wild reindeer in the Hardangervidda area were preserved except for one hunting ground. The preservation took place due to reduced stock of wild reindeer. In 2009, 601 animals were felled, a slight decrease from the previous year. The felling percentage was 39.

Highest felling in Rondane and Forelhogna

Most wild reindeer were felled in the Rondane wild reindeer area. A total of 798 animals were shot this autumn, 70 fewer than in the previous year. In the Setesdal-Austhei wild reindeer area, the yield increased most.

More reindeer hunters

Statistics on wild reindeer hunters in 2009 will be published next year. Figures show that 8 100 hunters hunted wild reindeer in the autumn of 2008, an increase of 100 from the year before.

Felling percentage

The felling percentage shows how many animals were shot as a percentage of the number of permissions issued (felling quota).
