Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Non-harvest mortality of cervids
The statistics show the number of moose, red-deer, wild reindeer and roe-deer that perished or was killed beyond ordinary hunting.
Updated: 27 June 2024
Next update: 27 June 2025
Selected figures from this statistics
- Registered non-harvest mortality of cervidsDownload table as ...Registered non-harvest mortality of cervids
Number Change in per cent 2023-2024 2022-2023 - 2023-2024 2019-2020 - 2023-2024 Total 15 969 0.4 30.4 Moose Animals killed by vehicle 1 087 -6.5 10.6 Animals killed by train 539 -13.2 3.5 Animals killed by other causes 1 818 -4.1 16.5 Red deer Animals killed by vehicle 863 1.4 -6.0 Animals killed by train 74 54.2 25.4 Animals killed by other causes 1 004 0.4 55.2 Wild reindeer Animals killed by vehicle 0 -100.0 -100.0 Animals killed by train 3 . 0.0 Animals killed by other causes 72 -21.7 -54.1 Roe deer Animals killed by vehicle 7 176 -1.3 23.2 Animals killed by train 328 4.8 43.2 Animals killed by other causes 3 005 13.3 124.6 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Registered non-harvest mortality of cervids. Killed by motor vehicle or train, by countyDownload table as ...Registered non-harvest mortality of cervids. Killed by motor vehicle or train, by county
Total Moose Red deer Wild reindeer Roe deer 2011-2012 5 764 1 668 741 4 3 351 2012-2013 6 413 1 724 684 2 4 003 2013-2014 5 889 1 358 743 4 3 784 2014-2015 6 158 1 439 781 2 3 936 2015-2016 6 298 1 355 639 1 4 303 2016-2017 7 319 1 354 873 2 5 090 2017-2018 10 197 2 374 1 223 1 6 599 2018-2019 8 777 1 504 1 038 1 6 234 2019-2020 8 543 1 504 977 8 6 054 2020-2021 8 732 1 335 983 0 6 414 2021-2022 9 777 1 593 1 084 3 7 097 2022-2023 10 270 1 783 899 2 7 586 2023-2024 10 070 1 626 937 3 7 504 County Viken (2020-2023) 2 586 261 39 0 2 286 Oslo 67 1 0 0 66 Innlandet 2 106 585 64 3 1 454 Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023) 998 62 22 0 914 Agder 713 48 21 0 644 Rogaland 269 0 42 0 227 Vestland 437 2 409 0 26 Møre og Romsdal 756 5 243 0 508 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 1 540 219 96 0 1 225 Nordland - Nordlánnda 470 323 1 0 146 Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023) 128 120 0 0 8 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Registered non-harvest mortality of cervids, by county and causeDownload table as ...Registered non-harvest mortality of cervids, by county and cause
Total Moose Red deer Wild reindeer Roe deer 2011-2012 8 359 2 958 1 343 28 4 030 2012-2013 9 104 2 969 1 160 53 4 922 2013-2014 8 452 2 674 1 166 57 4 555 2014-2015 8 750 2 777 1 293 22 4 658 2015-2016 8 941 2 603 1 087 96 5 155 2016-2017 10 827 2 817 1 459 411 6 140 2017-2018 17 019 4 256 2 513 1 563 8 687 2018-2019 14 113 3 343 2 509 110 8 151 2019-2020 12 245 3 064 1 624 165 7 392 2020-2021 13 655 3 206 1 896 91 8 462 2021-2022 14 756 3 314 2 155 189 9 098 2022-2023 15 909 3 678 1 899 94 10 238 2023-2024 15 969 3 444 1 941 75 10 509 County Viken (2020-2023) 3 895 567 66 3 3 259 Oslo 203 10 0 0 193 Innlandet 3 072 1 030 113 20 1 909 Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023) 1 632 231 65 20 1 316 Agder 1 225 171 37 7 1 010 Rogaland 491 11 82 5 393 Vestland 1 016 9 946 17 44 Møre og Romsdal 1 048 13 415 0 620 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 2 277 542 214 3 1 518 Nordland - Nordlánnda 839 603 3 0 233 Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023) 271 257 0 0 14 Cause Animals killed as nuisance 92 21 47 0 24 Animals felled illegally 33 5 18 2 8 Animals killed by vehicle 9 126 1 087 863 0 7 176 Animals killed by train 944 539 74 3 328 Animals killed by other causes 5 774 1 792 939 70 2 973 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 12 February 2024.
Cervids includes moose (Alces alces), red deer (Cervus elaphus), wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus).
Registered non-harvest mortality of cervids
The number of moose, red-deer, wild reindeer and roe-deer that perish or are felled beyond ordinary hunting.
Animals killed by other causes
Includes animals perished, killed by predators or of humanity reasons
The hunting year
One hunting year runs from 1 April to 31 March the following year.