Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Registered hunters
The statistics give an overview of men and women registered in the official Norwegian Register of hunters, which entitles them to go hunting. The figures also show the number of hunters that paid the hunting licence fee and how many new hunters that passed the hunting test last hunting year.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Norwegians listed in the Register of huntersDownload table as ...Norwegians listed in the Register of hunters
2023-2024 Change, per cent Persons Per cent 2022-2023 - 2023-2024 2019-2020 - 2023-2024 Persons listed in the Register of hunters 544 188 100.0 1.3 5.4 Males 455 623 83.7 0.9 3.6 Females 88 565 16.3 3.2 15.9 Persons buying hunting licence fee 183 375 100.0 -4.9 -2.7 Males 165 171 90.1 -4.9 -3.5 Females 18 204 9.9 -4.7 5.8 Persons passed hunting test 11 525 100.0 -13.3 -1.7 Males 8 448 73.3 -10.7 1.9 Females 3 077 26.7 -19.8 -19.8 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Hunters by county and sexDownload table as ...Hunters by county and sex
Registered persons Paid hunting tax Passed hunting test Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females 2015-2016 482 988 419 644 63 344 198 541 182 678 15 863 13 899 10 523 3 376 2016-2017 493 228 426 225 67 003 202 352 185 501 16 851 12 801 9 372 3 429 2017-2018 501 851 431 475 70 376 202 299 184 573 17 726 11 928 8 444 3 484 2018-2019 509 570 435 919 73 651 202 810 184 340 18 470 12 828 8 993 3 835 2019-2020 516 108 439 687 76 421 188 450 171 236 17 214 11 728 8 294 3 434 2020-2021 520 763 441 985 78 778 192 792 174 707 18 085 9 610 6 723 2 887 2021-2022 528 408 446 242 82 166 195 276 176 532 18 744 12 064 8 452 3 612 2022-2023 537 375 451 553 85 822 192 788 173 688 19 100 13 294 9 459 3 835 2023-2024 544 188 455 623 88 565 183 375 165 171 18 204 11 525 8 448 3 077 2023-2024 Østfold 24 729 21 471 3 258 8 235 7 628 607 389 299 90 Akershus 56 003 46 899 9 104 18 631 16 903 1 728 1 276 962 314 Oslo 39 221 32 106 7 115 10 512 9 444 1 068 1 309 997 312 Innlandet 57 024 45 778 11 246 21 729 18 953 2 776 974 648 326 Buskerud 23 832 19 885 3 947 8 426 7 575 851 486 362 124 Vestfold 18 475 15 863 2 612 6 160 5 708 452 409 309 100 Telemark 20 499 17 094 3 405 7 767 6 994 773 423 297 126 Agder 35 116 30 572 4 544 12 359 11 448 911 667 531 136 Rogaland 31 441 28 142 3 299 8 632 8 106 526 643 521 122 Vestland 55 078 47 716 7 362 18 995 17 486 1 509 1 388 1 036 352 Møre og Romsdal 27 052 23 402 3 650 9 240 8 447 793 492 379 113 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 75 524 61 119 14 405 25 543 22 584 2 959 1 465 1 005 460 Nordland - Nordlánnda 34 438 28 546 5 892 12 044 10 703 1 341 671 464 207 Troms - Romsa - Tromssa 23 752 19 405 4 347 8 501 7 564 937 499 349 150 Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku 14 569 11 347 3 222 6 055 5 146 909 364 243 121 Svalbard 307 186 121 64 49 15 0 0 0 Nordmenn bosatt i utlandet 6 185 5 254 931 446 405 41 21 16 5 Unspecified adress 937 836 101 27 24 3 14 11 3 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Hunters by age and sexDownload table as ...Hunters by age and sex1
2023-2024 Paid hunting tax Passed hunting test Total Males Females Total Of these buying hunting licence fee Total 183 375 165 171 18 204 11 525 3 751 -20 years 5 990 4 910 1 080 3 870 613 20-29 years 23 045 19 025 4 020 3 662 1 292 30-39 years 31 705 27 558 4 147 2 020 895 40-49 years 34 021 30 339 3 682 1 149 545 50-59 years 41 468 37 894 3 574 655 319 60-69 years 30 290 28 861 1 429 161 82 70 years or older 16 856 16 584 272 8 5 1Comprising Norwegian citizens The figures were corrected on 23.6.2022. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Share of men and women 16 years and above that paid the hunting licence feeDownload table as ...Share of men and women 16 years and above that paid the hunting licence fee
2023-2024 2023-2024 Male hunters as per cent of male population Female hunters as per cent of female population The whole country 7.2 0.8 Østfold 5.9 0.5 Akershus 5.7 0.6 Oslo 3.2 0.4 Innlandet 12.0 1.7 Buskerud 6.8 0.8 Vestfold 5.4 0.4 Telemark 9.5 1.0 Agder 8.8 0.7 Rogaland 4.0 0.3 Vestland 6.5 0.6 Møre og Romsdal 7.5 0.7 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 11.2 1.5 Nordland - Nordlánnda 10.4 1.3 Troms - Romsa - Tromssa 10.5 1.3 Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku 16.0 3.0 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 4 March 2025.
A person that has paid hunting tax for the hunting season.
Hunting test
Anyone not registered in the Norwegian Register of Hunters must pass a hunting test before hunting in Norway. However, foreign residents are exempt if they meet the requirements for the same type of hunting in their home country.
Hunting licence fee
Anyone planning to hunt in Norway must pay a hunting license fee to the Wildlife Fund, covering the entire hunting year. The fee is a requirement for hunting but does not grant the right to hunt in any specific area.
Hunting Year
The hunting year runs from April 1 to March 31.
Persons age:
< 20 years, 20-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60-69 years, > 70 years