Highest quantity cut in ten years
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
skogav, Commercial roundwood removals, timber price, quantity timber cut, felling, forest waste, spruce, pine, broad-leaved trees, firewood, pulp wood, saw logsForestry , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Commercial roundwood removals2005, preliminary figures



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Highest quantity cut in ten years

A total of 8.3 million cubic metres of roundwood were cut for sale in 2005. Not since the middle of the 1990´s has the quantity cut for sale been so high.

Quantity cut for sale. 1978/79 - 2005*. 1 000 cubic metres

A total of 9.1 million cubic metres of timber were cut for sale in 2005. Wood fuel removals accounted for 0.8 million cubic metres and roundwood for 8.3 million cubic metres. This is 936 000 cubic metres more than in the year before.

Sawmills and wood industries bought 54 per cent of the timber in 2005, while 34 per cent were purchased by the pulp industry. 6 per cent of the wood was exported.

Average price per cubic metre industrial wood for sale. 1980/81 - 2005*. NOK

The aggregated gross value of the roundwood sold to the industry in 2005 totalled NOK 2.6 billion - an increase of 18 per cent compared with the previous year. According to preliminary figures the forest owners on average obtained a price of NOK 312 per cubic metre sold, compared with NOK 299 in 2004.

Slightly increase in wood fuel removal

The statistics on wood fuel are based on estimates done by the local forest authorities. For 2005 these estimates indicate a decrease in commercial wood fuel removals of 6 per cent compared with the year before. A total of 777 000 cubic metres of roundwood were sold as wood fuel in 2005.

hange in quantity cut for sale from 2004 to 2005*. County

One third of the quantity cut in Hedmark

The counties of the southeast of Norway and Trøndelag carried out all the increase from 2004. In the northern and western parts of Norway, the cuts for sale were at the same level or less.

Almost one third of the quantity was cut in Hedmark.
