
Updated: 23 April 2024

Next update: 23 April 2025

Forest ground planted
Forest ground planted
270 184
Area (decares)Per centExpenditure (NOK 1 000)
20232022 - 20232019 - 20232023
Forest planting270 1846.719.9321 994
Silviculture271 3670.8-0.4149 642
Scarification88 3567.223.941 067
Fertilizing21 081575.9-43.912 406
Chemical cleaning and weed combating2 495-22.1-34.1814
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Forest regeneration
    Forest regeneration1
    Area (decares)Number of plants (1 000 pieces)2 Expenditure (NOK 1 000)2
    The whole country
    2013147 64126 285134 900
    2014158 14228 622147 689
    2015172 08130 936163 125
    2016185 68834 174179 257
    2017191 01135 693187 543
    2018205 79337 746206 369
    2019225 33943 597241 897
    2020229 20143 532247 971
    2021217 84539 631230 268
    2022253 15047 476296 382
    2023270 18447 533321 994
    Oslo and Viken (2020-2023)65 84011 07973 493
    Innlandet109 61321 417138 447
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)26 2823 51026 998
    Agder14 7782 35618 589
    Rogaland1 1242932 320
    Vestland6 0871 45611 599
    Møre og Romsdal4 7831 2208 767
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage33 2394 71731 197
    Nordland - Nordlánnda6 2269326 656
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)2 2125533 928
    1The figures only comprise work financed with forest trust fund or government subsidies.
    2Includes supplementary planting.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Silviculture
    Area (decares)Expenditure (NOK 1 000)
    The whole country
    2013263 61799 498
    2014269 70899 159
    2015276 200107 289
    2016263 731103 371
    2017269 254110 074
    2018239 912100 377
    2019272 444119 010
    2020329 554147 658
    2021218 752103 617
    2022269 181136 957
    2023271 367149 642
    Oslo and Viken (2020-2023)70 04939 218
    Innlandet104 15756 291
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)35 45220 872
    Agder32 06917 450
    Rogaland1 179860
    Vestland1 003761
    Møre og Romsdal2 5921 427
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage23 25711 756
    Nordland - Nordlánnda1 032603
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)577404
    Explanation of symbols
  • Scarification
    Area (decares)Expenditures (NOK 1 000)
    201250 13513 015
    201367 76517 577
    201466 82018 577
    201572 48621 167
    201666 60620 363
    201762 31720 743
    201871 29524 669
    201988 39732 713
    2020104 08239 364
    2021104 22541 771
    202282 38736 977
    202388 35641 067
    Oslo and Viken (2020-2023)7 6283 367
    Innlandet67 61530 724
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)2 8411 348
    Agder7 4243 872
    Møre og Romsdal185120
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage1 681907
    Nordland - Nordlánnda305177
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)::
    1The figures only comprise work financed with forest trust fund or government subsidies.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Expenditure and public subsidies on silviculture. NOK 1 000
    Expenditure and public subsidies on silviculture. NOK 1 0001
    Total amountPublic subsidies
    2018386 12264 734
    2019450 30076 597
    2020501 08398 329
    2021427 61086 081
    2022513 31983 692
    2023564 90091 512
    Oslo and Viken (2020-2023)128 61613 744
    Innlandet254 42126 079
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)52 1148 985
    Agder41 65311 233
    Rogaland4 9021 784
    Vestland13 0085 247
    Møre og Romsdal11 1013 853
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage45 53613 488
    Nordland - Nordlánnda7 7283 262
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)5 8203 836
    1The figures only comprise work financed with forest trust fund or government subsidies.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The purpose of the statistics is to provide information about forest planting, tending of young stands and other silviculture works. The statistics only cover activities financed wholly or partly by the Forest Trust Fund and/or by government subsidies.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 28 March 2023.

Forest area planted or seeded

Forest area planted or seeded for forest production. Does not include supplementary planting.

Number of plants planted

Total number of plants planted. Cover both forest regeneration and supplementary planting.

Planting cost, total

Total cost of plants and planting. Covers both forest regeneration and supplementary planting.

Tending of young stands

Tending of young forest stands until first thinning.


Spot removal of vegetation in order to improve the conditions for natural regeneration and the growth of forest plants.

Productive forest area

Forest area that under favourable stand conditions has an annual yield capacity per hectare of at least 1 cubic metre of wood including bark.

Not relevant

Name: Silviculture
Topic: Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

23 April 2025

Division for Housing, Property, Spatial and Agricultural Statistics

County and municipality level

Not relevant
Not relevant

Microdata are stored in Statistics Norway.

The purpose of the statistics is to provide information at county level about silviculture and forest drainage.

The build-up of the forest administration prescribed in the Forestry Act of 1932 provided a platform for collecting statistical data on silviculture work etc. approved by the Forest Service and was thereby entitled to receive subsidies. Silviculture statistics begin with the fiscal year 1935/36. Before that the Ministry of Agriculture compiled statistics on silviculture, ditch cleaning and fertilizing of forests. The completed figures have been published by Statistics Norway. Statistics on new ditches for forest drainage have previously been compiled entirely by Statistics Norway on the basis of data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Statistics Norway has compiled all silviculture statistics since 1997.

The statistics are used by public agencies (Ministries, County Departments), forest owner's organisations and research institutes. Results from the silviculture statistics are included in the National accounts.

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar. This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally.

Results from the Silviculture statistics may be compared with some of the results from the Sample survey of Agriculture and Forestry 2008.

The Statistics Act, § 10.

Not relevant

The statistics only cover activities financed wholly or partly by the Forest Trust Fund and/or by goverment subsidies.

The Forest Trust Fund is a legalised fund where the forest owners set apart a certain amount of the gross value of their roundwood sold. Money from the fund can be used by the owner for forest investments, such as planting, clearing, drainage etc.

The silviculture statistics are based on information from the Norwegian Agriculture Agency and their database on the Forest Trust Fund.

The Forest Service in each municipality keeps the Forest Trust Fund Account. The account is reported to the County Department of Agricultural Affairs (FMLA). The Norwegian Agriculture Agency obtains data from the the Forest Trust Fund databases and organizes them on files forwarded to Statistics Norway.

If the data are unclear, the Norwegian Agriculture Agency or County Department of Agricultural Affairs is contacted so that any errors can be corrected.

Not relevant

Figures based on less than three forest owners are not published if this causes risk for identifying any of the units concerned.

During the period 1935/36-1949/50 the statistics apply to the fiscal year. In 1951 the calendar year was adopted, but the data for this year were combined with the data for the second half of 1950. The transition data from fiscal year to calendar year consequently cover 1 1/2 years. The 1998 figures for Finnmark and 1999 figures for Troms are missing.

In some cases the reported area in the Forest account are estimated. Adaptations to the subsidies system can also occor.

Not relevant
