Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Commercial roundwood removals
The statistics comprise all commercial roundwood removal except wood fuel, and also show what average prices the forest owners obtain for different assortments.
Updated: 30 January 2025
Next update: 5 May 2025
Selected figures from this statistics
- Commercial roundwood removalsDownload table as ...Commercial roundwood removals
2024 2023 -2024 1000 cubic metres NOK per cubic metre Change cubic, per cent Price change, per cent Total 11 848 676 7.8 24.3 Spruce Saw logs 4 845 800 7.5 23.6 Pulpwood 3 364 524 3.2 23.9 Unsorted saw logs 305 713 -8.1 29.4 Pine Saw logs 1 785 760 17.1 24.4 Pulpwood 1 207 498 20.5 30.0 Unsorted saw logs 60 638 -18.9 33.5 Broad-leaved Saw logs 1 792 -66.7 26.3 Pulpwood 282 567 -3.8 16.2 Unsorted saw logs .. .. .. .. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Commercial removals of industrial roundwood, by species of tree and county. 1 000 m³Download table as ...Commercial removals of industrial roundwood, by species of tree and county. 1 000 m³
2024 2024 2024 Spruce Pine Broad-leaved The whole country 8 514 3 052 283 Østfold 458 179 23 Oslo and Akershus 900 276 33 Innlandet 3 253 1 339 129 Buskerud 738 472 41 Vestfold 241 29 10 Telemark 435 281 8 Agder 558 304 12 Rogaland 79 15 0 Vestland 530 28 0 Møre og Romsdal 286 20 1 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 818 96 18 Nordland - Nordlánnda 203 2 5 Troms - Romsa - Tromssa 15 3 0 Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku 0 7 0 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Commercial roundwood removals, by species of tree and county. 1 000 m³Download table as ...Commercial roundwood removals, by species of tree and county. 1 000 m³
Quantity removed for commercial purposes 4th quarter 2024 Total Spruce Pine Broad-leaved The whole country 2 947 2 090 790 67 Østfold 161 104 50 7 Oslo and Akershus 322 252 64 6 Innlandet 1 212 823 358 31 Buskerud 309 184 115 10 Vestfold 65 56 8 2 Telemark 181 102 77 2 Agder 213 139 71 3 Rogaland 23 19 4 0 Vestland 137 131 6 0 Møre og Romsdal 72 67 5 0 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 202 172 24 6 Nordland - Nordlánnda 35 34 0 1 Troms - Romsa - Tromssa 8 7 2 0 Finnmark - Finnmárku - Finmarkku 7 0 7 0 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Quarterly import and export of roundwood. Cubic metresDownload table as ...Quarterly import and export of roundwood. Cubic metres
Imports Exports 4th quarter 2023 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 4th quarter 2024 Sawlogs, coniferous 25 835 11 528 475 384 596 554 Pulpwood, coniferous 24 232 81 029 464 627 550 839 Pulpwood, birch 0 0 40 163 56 029 Other roundwood 3 760 22 026 5 943 11 419 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Export and imports of roundwood. Cubic metresDownload table as ...Export and imports of roundwood. Cubic metres
Imports Exports 2023 2024 2023 2024 Sawlogs, coniferous 97 090 93 407 1 980 622 2 235 810 Pulpwood, coniferous 108 819 214 086 1 813 618 2 128 254 Pulpwood, birch 1 017 0 138 399 172 481 Other roundwood 22 383 19 729 42 645 67 670 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Average price on timber, by county. NOK per m3Download table as ...Average price on timber, by county. NOK per m3
2023 NOK/m³ The whole country 544 Viken (2020-2023) 555 Oslo 576 Innlandet 544 Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023) 544 Agder 550 Rogaland 451 Vestland 520 Møre og Romsdal 564 Trøndelag - Trööndelage 534 Nordland - Nordlánnda 500 Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023) 405 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Fuelwood removals (roundwood). 1 000 m³Download table as ...Fuelwood removals (roundwood). 1 000 m³1
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Fuelwood in total 1 664 1 848 2 122 2 243 2 304 Fuelwood broad-leaved 1 098 1 219 1 401 1 480 1 521 Fuelwood coniferous 566 628 721 763 783 1The wood fuel figures are estimates based on sample surveys on housholds consumption of fuel wood. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Commercial roundwood removalsDownload table as ...Commercial roundwood removals
4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 -4th quarter 2024 1000 cubic metres NOK per cubic metre Change cubic, per cent Price change, per cent Total 2 947 755 7.2 30.6 Spruce Saw logs 1 177 901 4.2 31.3 Pulpwood 831 581 6.4 29.7 Unsorted saw logs 82 825 -18.0 43.2 Pine Saw logs 463 843 19.6 30.3 Pulpwood 314 549 16.3 34.2 Unsorted saw logs 13 752 -18.8 52.5 Broad-leaved Saw logs 0 697 -100.0 8.4 Pulpwood 67 597 6.3 21.1 Unsorted saw logs .. .. .. .. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 4 March 2025.
Industrial roundwood
All commercial roundwood removal except wood for fuel.
Gross value of industrial wood
Value of the wood at the place of delivery to buyer (road, factory yard etc.). Roadside delivery make up the majority.
Preliminary figures are published according to the following assortment classification:
- Spruce sawlogs
- Spruce mixed sawlogs and pulpwood
- Spruce pulpwood
- Pine sawlogs
- Pine mixed sawlogs and pulpwood
- Pine pulpwood
- Broadleaf special and sawlogs
- Broadleaf pulpwood
From 2017 onwards, final figures have been published according to the following assortment classification:
- Spruce special logs
- Spruce sawlogs
- Spruce mixed sawlogs and pulpwood
- Spruce pulpwood
- Spruce other roundwood
- Pine special logs
- Pine sawlogs
- Pine mixed sawlogs and pulpwood
- Pine pulpwood
- Pine other roundwood
- Broadleaf special and sawlogs
- Broadleaf pulpwood
Assortments used before 2012
- Special timber includes poles, veneer logs, saw logs of veneer quality, and other timber of special high quality.
- First class saw logs refer to saw logs classified as first class according to measurement regulations. From 2012 first class saw logs is an outgoing assortment.
- Second class saw logs refer to saw logs classified as second class according to measurement regulations. From 2012 second class saw logs is a outgoing assortment.
- Other saw logs comprise ordinary top-scaled and mid-scaled saw logs and other logs suitable for sawing, not measured in quality classes. From 2014, Other saw logs comprises all quantities of industrial saw logs.
- Unsorted saw logs and pulpwood comprise timber measured in tree length, wood sold as stumpage and other unsorted roundwood containing both saw logs and pulpwood. First and second class of saw logs is outgoing. From 2012 the most of saw logs are included in Unsorted saw logs.
- Pulpwood comprises roundwood generally used in the pulp industries and the fibreboard and particle board industries. Top-scaled timber (timber suitable for sawing) used in these industries is not included.
- Other roundwood comprises roundwood used for manufacture of cases and casks, pitprops and mining timber, pilings, fence wood, posts etc.
- Wood fuel refers to roundwood sold for fuel.
Buyer Groups (not in use from 2015)
- Sawmills and wood industries comprise sawmills, manufacture of cases and casks, and prefabrication of wooden houses and wooden structures.
- Pulp industries include the manufacture of mechanical and chemical pulp.
- Fibre and particle board industries comprise wallboard and particle board production only.
- Other Norwegian buyers comprise wood preserving industries, the manufacture of wood furniture and fixtures, charcoal, wood flour, wood wool, veneer and flooring, matches, ship and boat-building as well as all other buyers not included in other groups. Until 1998, wood for export was included.
- Foreign buyers include sawmills, industry or other buyers outside Norway. These buyers were included in "Other buyers" until 1998.