This is an archived release.
Reduced timber sales and falling prices
In 2008, a total of 8.1 million cubic metres of timber were cut for sale. For the country as a whole, the timber price was NOK 364 per cubic metre.
In 2007, a total of 8.2 million cubic metres were cut for sale and the average timber price was NOK 375 per cubic metre.
Spruce most common
In 2008, spruce amounted to 6.1 million cubic metres and pine 1.9 million cubic metres of the total removals. Broad leaved came to a total of 88 000 cubic metres.
The aggregated gross value of roundwood sold to the manufacturing industry in 2008 amounted to NOK 2.9 billion. In 2007, the corresponding figure was NOK 3.1 billion.
Final figures at municipality level are published in Statbank .
Terje Olav Rundtom
tel.: (+47) 91 38 60 61