This is an archived release.
Decrease for the grouse hunt
During the hunting year 2005/06 a total of 364 000 grouses were felled. This is a decline of 19 per cent from the previous hunting year.
Because of the strongly reduced stock of grouse in many counties ,many of the landowners limited hunting during autumm of 2005.Other limited the hunting period or reduced the number of hunting permissions. Compared with the previous hunting year in Nord-Trøndelag and Nordland the yield declined by 70 and 50 per cent, respectively. In Troms the yield decreased 9 per cent. Most grouses were felled in Finnmark in the hunting year 2005/06. In this county the hunters felled 105 000 grouses, an increase of 18 per cent from the previous hunting year.
A total of 703 000 animals were felled during the hunting year 2005/06. Totally 91 000 hunters took part in small game hunting. 70 per cent of the small game hunters felled small game during the hunting year 2005/06.
More roe deer felled
In the autumn of 2005 a total of 29 900 roe deer were felled. Most roe deers were felled in Østfold county. A total of 3 400 animals were felled in this county. In the counties of Aust-Agder and Nord-Trøndelag around 3 000 animals were felled. Totally 38 400 hunters took part in roe deer hunting the autumn of 2005, and 15 000 had yields from the hunt.
Totally 7 200 capercaillies and 16 900 black grouses were felled in the hunting year 2005/06. This is a decline by 31 and 28 per cent respectively from the previous hunting year.
In the hunting year 2005/06 a number of 25 000 mountain hares, 21 000 red foxes, 18 500 mallards and 10 600 greylag geese were felled.
Terje Olav Rundtom
tel.: (+47) 91 38 60 61
Trond Amund Steinset
tel.: (+47) 40 81 13 73