This is an archived release.
Decline in grouse hunting
312 000 grouse were felled in the 2006/07 hunting year. This is a decrease of 14 per cent from the previous hunting year and the registered number of felled grouse has never been lower.
Willow grouse and ptarmigan are the most important small game species in Norway. In the 2006/07 hunting year the number of felled grouse decreased in all counties except from a small increase in Nord-Trøndelag. 312 000 grouse were felled in Norway as a whole, a decline of 43 per cent since the last peak in 1999/2000. In Nordland, the yield has fallen from 67 000 to 22 000 grouse since 2004/05. In 2006/07, the majority of grouse were felled in Finnmark, with 97 000 grouse, a decrease of 8 000 from the previous hunting year.
In total, 86 000 hunters took part in small game hunting during the 2006/07 hunting year. 70 per cent of the small game hunters felled small game.
More black grouse and capercaillies felled
10 500 capercaillies and 21 900 black grouse were felled in 2006/07.
Fewer roe deer felled
In autumn 2006, a total of 25 100 roe deer were felled. With 2 800 animals, Nord-Trøndelag had the largest number of felled roe deer. 37 400 hunters took part in the roe deer hunting in autumn 2006.
Other small game
22 900 mountain hares, 18 200 red foxes, 15 600 mallards and 10 100 greylag geese were felled in the hunting year 2006/07.
Terje Olav Rundtom
tel.: (+47) 91 38 60 61
Trond Amund Steinset
tel.: (+47) 40 81 13 73