This is an archived release.
Record low grouse felling
The decrease in the number of felled grouse continues. A total of 160 000 grouse were felled during the hunting year 2009/2010; a decrease of 27 per cent from the previous hunting year. The registered number of felled grouse has never been lower. There was a decline in all the major grouse counties.
During the last 10 years the annual felling of grouse has declined from over half a million to 160 000 last hunting year. The reason for the large decline last year can be attributed to several factors. As a result of the small population of grouse, the landowners in many places have limited the number of hunters. In addition, quotas have been applied. Some hunters have either left grouse hunting, or set their own restrictions on the withdrawal. In addition to the small population of grouse, less hunting pressure may also explain some of the decrease.
Willow grouse and ptarmigan are the most important small game species in Norway. Last hunting year the number of grouse felled decreased in all the major grouse counties. With the exception of the county of Sør-Trøndelag, there was the same trend as last hunting year both at county and municipality level. An exception was the municipality of Karlsøy in Troms, where a total of 4 500 grouses were felled in 2009/2010. This is the same level as previous hunting years, and Karlsøy was the municipality where most grouses were felled. In Lierne and Kautokeino, 4 000 grouses were felled in both municipalities; a decrease of 40 and 18 per cent respectively. In previous years, Finnmark was the county where most grouse were felled. In the hunting year 2008/2009, Finnmark was passed by Sør-Trøndelag. In 2009/2010 Finnmark recaptured the position as the major grouse county, even if the yield was reduced by 21 per cent. A total of 22 800 grouses were felled here.
Big decline in Sør-Trøndelag
Among the counties where most grouses were felled, the decline was greatest in Sør-Trøndelag, where the yield was reduced by 46 per cent from the previous hunting year. A total of 17 900 grouses were felled here; 14 200 grouses less than last hunting year. The decline is a result of reduced yield in all the major grouse municipalities in this county. In the municipalities of Røros, Oppdal, Holtålen, Tydal, Midtre Gauldal and Selbu the yield is reduced by 12 500 grouses. In Holtålen, which was the second largest grouse municipality in 2008/2009, the yield declined by 63 per cent. In total, 2 400 grouses were felled here, compared with 6 500 in the hunting year before. In the county of Sør-Trøndelag, most grouses were felled in Røros and Oppdal, where almost 3 000 grouses were felled in each of the municipalities.
In Hedmark and Oppland there was also a significant reduction in the number of felled grouses, and the yield decreased by 47 and 44 per cent respectively.
A few more roe deer felled
A total of 30 800 roe deer were felled during the hunting year 2009/2010; a decline of 150 animals compared with the previous hunting year. As in 2008/2009, most roe deer were felled on the island Hitra in Sør-Trøndelag county, where about 700 animals were felled. This is a decline of 8 per cent from 2008/2009. The second and third largest roe-deer municipalities are Levanger with 510 roe deer and Sarpsborg with 470 roe deer felled.
Fewer felled woodland birds
A total of 11 500 capercaillies and 26 200 black grouse were felled in 2009/2010; a small decrease from the previous hunting year. A total of 41 and 27 per cent of these were felled in Hedmark respectively. Most capercaillie and black grouse were felled in the municipality of Trysil, where 1 100 and 1 600 of these species were felled respectively.
Other small game
A total of 18 800 red foxes, 20 400 mountain hares, 16 900 mallards and 12 800 greylag geese were shot during the hunting year 2009/2010.
Terje Olav Rundtom
tel.: (+47) 91 38 60 61
Trond Amund Steinset
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