This is an archived release.
Insignificant revision of the GDP growth
The revised estimates from the quarterly national accounts do not change the impression of slow growth in the economy as expressed at the end of last year. The figures indicate small changes in both demand and value added in the mainland economy in the second half of last year.
The estimated year to year growth in the GDP for mainland Norway for 2000 remains unchanged at 1.8 per cent. For 1998 and 1999 the year to year growth in the GDP for mainland Norway has increased by 0.3 and 0.2 percentage points as compared with the last release.
The revised figures indicate a slight decrease in value added for mainland Norway from the 3. to the 4. quarter last year. This is partly due to a lower estimate for value added in the manufacturing industries, which now have been computed on basis of a more complete set of indicators. Only small changes are observed for the final consumption expenditure among households and non-profit Institutions Serving Households. Gross fixed capital formation in the 4. quarter has somewhat increased as compared with the last announced figures. This is due to higher estimates for the investments in the oil and gas industries and for new dwellings.
Pål Sletten
tel.: (+47) 99 29 06 84
Ingunn Sagelvmo
tel.: (+47) 40 90 26 32
Pia Tønjum
tel.: (+47) 48 99 12 07
Kristian Gimming
tel.: (+47) 91 88 39 06