Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

National accounts, non-financial sector accounts

The sector accounts show economic flows such as interests, dividends, taxes and pensions within and between the sectors of the economy. The main areas are gross domestic income, disposable income, savings and net lending/net borrowing.

Updated: 5 March 2025
Next update: 4 June 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Households. Seasonally adjusted. NOK million
    Households. Seasonally adjusted. NOK million
    202320242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Disposable income1 759 0251 884 795471 084474 307481 729
    Saving68 770144 75131 83544 05038 931
    Savings ratio (per cent)
    Disposable income in 2015 prices, growth-
    National income5 285 1255 441 1021 381 1271 349 4011 360 556
    Disposable income4 328 9704 438 4581 135 8541 097 7591 107 089
    Disposable income in 2015 prices, growth-18.2-1.11.4-6.21.1
    Annual figures for real disposable income and savings in fixed prices for 2022 were corrected 10 December 2024.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Production and income for Norway. Main aggregates. NOK million
    Production and income for Norway. Main aggregates. NOK million
    202320242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT, market values5 101 5595 198 0541 321 4961 291 3541 306 740
    + Primary income from the rest of the world721 414796 372197 159202 491182 699
    - Primary income to the rest of the world537 848553 323137 529144 443128 884
    = GROSS NATIONAL INCOME5 285 1255 441 1021 381 1271 349 4011 360 556
    - Consumption of fixed capital878 239933 481231 651235 268238 052
    = NATIONAL INCOME, NET4 406 8864 507 6211 149 4761 114 1331 122 504
    + Current transfers from the rest of the world94 280106 52325 70428 40227 018
    - Current transfers to the rest of the world172 196175 68739 32644 77642 434
    = DISPOSABLE INCOME4 328 9704 438 4581 135 8541 097 7591 107 089
    = Final consumption expenditure3 075 4793 227 564807 828810 437818 762
    - Adjustment, household pension funds. Net-7 365-5 359-1 398-1 345-1 262
    = SAVING1 246 1271 205 534326 628285 977287 065
    + Capital transfers, net-2 595-7 120-1 143-1 798-3 057
    - Net acquisiton of other non-financial assets362 763314 68958 991106 27778 550
    = NET LENDING (+) / NET BORROWING (-)880 768883 725266 493177 889205 398
    MEMO: Disposable income in 2015-prices3 279 7893 242 102839 612787 742796 020
    Annual figures for real disposable income and savings in fixed prices for 2022 were corrected 10 December 2024.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 30 November 2021.

The accounting system of the Norwegian national accounts is based on the international standards for national accounts, i.e.2008 SNA and ESA 2010. The accounting system outlines the framework and contents for the production of national accounts statistics. In addition to accounting structure, the accounting system contains a number of groupings or classifications used in the national accounts, of which the most important for the non-financial sector accounts are the institutional sectors.

Institutional sectors

The institutional units (see section Production) are grouped in institutional sectors on the basis of their principal economic functions, behavior and objectives. The classification of institutional sectors in the non-financial sector accounts is based on the principles in 2008 SNA and ESA 2010, as well as Statistics Norway's standard Institutional Sector Classification 2012 (which also is based on 2008 SNA and ESA 2010). The main sectors in the economy are the non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households, non-profit institutions serving households and rest of the world. See Concepts and definitions in national accounts for further explanations of the main sectors. The main sectors are classified into more detailed sectors and sub-sectors. Figures from the non-financial sector accounts are published separately for the different main sectors in the economy, and final annual figures are also published in some more detail, see Sectors in the Norwegian Non-financial Sector Accounts.

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