Annual non-financial sector accounts, national accounts2005-2006

A of 7 June 2017 the statistics will be published as Quarterly non-Financial sector accounts, national accounts.

The institutional sector accounts record economic transactions of the institutional sectors in national accounts. Non-financial and financial accounts by institutional sector is updated quarterly in StatBank.


All releases for Annual non-financial sector accounts, national accounts - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
1 March 2017 2016 Preliminary figures for 2016
8 September 2016 2014-2015 Revised income figures for 2014 and 2015
1 June 2016 2015 Preliminary figures for 2015 updated
2 March 2016 2015 Preliminary figures for 2015
3 December 2015 2014 Figures for 2012-2014 updated
9 September 2015 2013 Revised income figures for 2013
3 June 2015 2014 Preliminary figures for 2014 updated
4 March 2015 2014 Lower savings in the general government
3 December 2014 1995-2013 Minor reduction in national income and saving for Norway
5 March 2014 2013 Lower savings for Norway
21 November 2013 2012 Unchanged picture: Disposable income and savings for Norway remain high
23 May 2013 2012 Revised figures for annual non-financial sector accounts
6 March 2013 2012 National income exceeds NOK 2 500 billion
22 November 2012 2010-2011 High disposable income and saving for Norway
22 May 2012 2011 Increased savings for Norway in 2011