National accounts and business cycles
The annual national accounts have now been updated with preliminary figures for 2016.

Annual non-financial sector accounts, national accounts2016

A of 7 June 2017 the statistics will be published as Quarterly non-Financial sector accounts, national accounts.

The institutional sector accounts record economic transactions of the institutional sectors in national accounts. Non-financial and financial accounts by institutional sector is updated quarterly in StatBank.




List of Tables
NumberTable titleNew window ExcelCSV
Table 1Some selected national account figures. NOK millionfullscreen-iconSome selected national account figures. NOK millionexcel-iconSome selected national account figures. NOK millioncsv-iconSome selected national account figures. NOK million
Table 2Production and income for Norway. Main aggregates. NOK millionfullscreen-iconProduction and income for Norway. Main aggregates. NOK millionexcel-iconProduction and income for Norway. Main aggregates. NOK millioncsv-iconProduction and income for Norway. Main aggregates. NOK million
Table 3Non-financial corporations. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millionfullscreen-iconNon-financial corporations. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millionexcel-iconNon-financial corporations. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millioncsv-iconNon-financial corporations. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK million
Table 4Financial corporations. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millionfullscreen-iconFinancial corporations. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millionexcel-iconFinancial corporations. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millioncsv-iconFinancial corporations. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK million
Table 5General government. Income, expenditures and saving. NOK millionfullscreen-iconGeneral government. Income, expenditures and saving. NOK millionexcel-iconGeneral government. Income, expenditures and saving. NOK millioncsv-iconGeneral government. Income, expenditures and saving. NOK million
Table 6Households. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millionfullscreen-iconHouseholds. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millionexcel-iconHouseholds. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millioncsv-iconHouseholds. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK million
Table 7NPISHs. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millionfullscreen-iconNPISHs. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millionexcel-iconNPISHs. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millioncsv-iconNPISHs. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK million
Table 8Rest of the world. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millionfullscreen-iconRest of the world. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millionexcel-iconRest of the world. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK millioncsv-iconRest of the world. Income, expenditure and saving. NOK million

For more tables: Go to StatBank