Number of people exposed to different noise levels, by source of noise . The whole country. 1999, 2005 , 2011 and 2014. Number of people

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Number of people exposed to different noise levels, by source of noise . The whole country. 1999, 2005 , 2011 and 2014. Number of people1
Noise level Road traffic Railway traffic Air traffic Manufacturing Other industries
1Railway and air traffic for 2005 refers to 2006.
Sum above 55          
1999 1 215 000 90 300 35 000 21 500 16 800
2005 1 590 900 60 500 27 000 24 100 18 000
2011 1 789 900 76 300 38 400 26 100 21 200
Sum above 55 1 871 700 62 500 43 500 27 400 25 300
70,0 - 47 500 4 300 300 0 100
65,0 - 69,9 138 300 5 600 1 600 600 1 300
60,0 - 64,9 361 000 16 200 8 800 4 700 4 900
55,0 - 59,9 1 324 900 36 300 32 800 22 000 19 000
50,0 - 54,9 .. 67 700 80 800 66 900 56 100
45,0 - 49,9 .. .. .. 51 900 31 800
