Emissions to air1999, preliminary figures


All releases for Emissions to air - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
3 June 2019 2018 2018
15 August 2018 2017 2017
19 May 2017 2016 2016
20 May 2016 2015 Increase in greenhouse gas emissions in 2015
7 May 2015 2014 Minor changes in greenhouse gas emissions in 2014
14 May 2014 2013 Minor change in greenhouse gas emissions
7 May 2013 2012 Lower greenhouse gas emissions in 2012
8 May 2012 2011 Lower greenhouse gas emissions in 2011
25 May 2011 1990-2010 Strong rise in greenhouse gas emissions
15 February 2011 1990-2009 Greenhouse gas emissions greatly reduced in 2009
19 May 2009 1990-2008 Greenhouse gas emissions down 2.2 per cent
13 May 2008 1990-2007 Strong increase in greenhouse gas emissions
11 May 2007 1990-2006 Greenhouse gas emissions down 0.8 per cent
12 February 2007 1990-2005 Temporary reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases
11 May 2006 1990-2005 More use of electricity gave less greenhouse gas emissions

For previous releases also see: Emissions to air, by municipality, Emissions to air of hazardous substances and particulate matter, Emissions of acidifying gases and ozone precursors and Emissions of sulphur dioxide.