Lower emissions of greenhouse gases from transport
Nature and the environment
klimagassn, Emissions to air, air pollution, greenhouse gases (for example CO2, CH4, N2O), emissions by source (for example oil and gas production, road traffic, air traffic), emissions by industry (for example energy sector, manufacturing, primary industries)Pollution and climate, Nature and the environment

Emissions to air1990-2008, preliminary figures



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Lower emissions of greenhouse gases from transport

The emissions of greenhouse gases from transport were almost two per cent lower in 2008 than in 2007. This was mainly due to lower emissions from road traffic and domestic navigation. These sources are responsible for 90 per cent of the emissions from transport.

Since the previous publication of preliminary emission figures for 2008, more data has been collected, and new calculations of national greenhouse gas emissions have been made. The figures that are published today are more accurate and are given at a more detailed level. The new calculations confirm that Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions went down by 2.2 per cent from 2007 to 2008. The reduction is primarily due to reduced consumption of fossil fuels, particularly within transport. Investments in environmental technology in the production of mineral fertilisers also contributed to the reductions. The oil and gas activity emitted more greenhouse gases than the manufacturing industry for the first time ever in 2008.

Detailed source and industry distributed tables of Norwegian emissions of greenhouse gases in 2008 are now available. The Norwegian emission inventory is prepared by Statistics Norway in close collaboration with the Climate and pollution agency.

Emissions of greenhouse gases, by source 2008*. Million tonnes CO2 equivalents. Per cent change 2007-2008* and 1990-2008*
  2008    Per cent change
   Per cent change
Total 54.0 -2.2 7.6
Oil and gas extraction 14.6 -0.5 78.9
Manufacturing industries 14.1 -4.4 -27.5
Road traffic 10.2 -1.4 31.1
Fishing vessels and coastal traffic 3.6 -8.1 12.0
Other mobile sources 3.5 0.9 31.9
Agriculture 4.3 1.6 -2.5
Heating and other stationary combustion 1.6 -7.4 -38.7
Waste 1.3 -3.6 -29.6
Other emissions 1.0 6.5  168.9
Source:  Emission inventory from Statistics Norway and the Climate and Pollution Agency.

Lower emissions from road traffic and navigation

After many years of continuous growth in greenhouse gas emissions from transport, the emissions were reduced by almost 300 000 tonnes CO2 equivalents (1.9 per cent) from 2007 to 2008. Most of this reduction came in emissions from road traffic and domestic navigation and fishing, where emissions went down by 1.4 and 8.1 per cent respectively.

The reduction in emissions from road traffic in 2008 can partly be explained by lower activity at the end of the year as a result of the turbulence in the financial market. This is especially prominent in the freight transportation and taxi industry. The decrease may also be due to more energy efficient vehicles, a transition from petrol to diesel vehicles, and an increased share of biofuel. Emissions from road traffic were nonetheless 31 per cent higher in 2008 than in 1990.

Greenhouse gas emissions from transport1 1990-2008*. 1 000 tonnes CO2 equivalents

Increased emissions from aviation

While greenhouse gas emissions from other types of transport were reduced from 2007 to 2008, the emissions from railways and domestic aviation increased during the same period. The greenhouse gas emissions from domestic aviation increased by approximately 14 per cent. Emissions from railways and aviation comprise less than 9 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions from transport, and less than 3 per cent of total Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions.

Somewhat higher emissions than previously calculated

The total Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions were 54.0 million tonnes CO2 equivalents in 2008. This is somewhat higher (0.2 million tonnes) than previously estimated for 2008 (see article published May 19th 2009). This is partly because the inventory now includes emissions of methane and N2O from well testing in the oil and gas activity for all years. The inclusion of this source has led to an increase in the estimated 1990 emissions of about 0.5 million tonnes. The recalculated greenhouse gas emissions in 1990 were 50.2 million tonnes CO2 equivalents. The upward adjustment of the greenhouse gas emissions in 1990 will not have any influence on Norway’s allocated quotas according to the Kyoto protocol. These quotas were determined relative to the emissions as calculated during the winter of 2005/2006.

Better waste statistics gave lower estimates for methane emissions

Increased knowledge about the amount and type of deposited waste has resulted in lower estimates on methane emissions from waste deposits than previously published. For 1990 the change was insignificant, but for 2008 the emissions are reduced by approximately 11 per cent, or 130 000 tonnes CO2 equivalents. Methane emissions from waste now comprise less than 2 per cent of the total Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions.

National targets

According to “klimaforliket”, Norway will by 2020 contribute to reducing the global emissions of greenhouse gases with an equivalent to 30 per cent of Norway’s emissions in 1990. The emissions in Norway should be reduced by 15-17 million tonnes CO2 equivalents within 2020, relative to the reference line (presented in the National Budget 2007), where forests are included. Projects related to forests are estimated to result in an increased CO2 uptake of 3 million tonnes. This means that the domestic greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 12-14 million tonnes CO2 equivalents, and should not exceed 45-47 million tonnes CO2 equivalents in 2020. In 2008, the emissions were about 54 million tonnes CO2 equivalents, that is, 7 to 9 million tonnes (15-20 per cent) more than the goal for domestic emissions in 2020. In addition to national emission reductions, Norway must buy quotas to reach the target of 30 per cent reduction in emission compared to the 1990 level.

Documentation of the emission calculations

The Norwegian Emission Inventory 2009. Documentation of methodologies for estimating emissions of greenhouse gases and long-range transboundary air pollutants (Documents 2009/10)
