Property management expenditure remains steady
Public sector;Construction, housing and property;Public sector
eiendom_kostra, Property management, local government, municipal buildings, purpose-built buildings, maintenance, property managementKOSTRA , General government , Property, Construction, housing and property, Public sector
The statistics give a detailed overview of the municipalities; property management. It shows how much gross area the municipalities; buildings are made of, and the cost of maintaining the buildings.

Property management, local government


Next update

Not yet determined

Key figures


million m2 total area objective buildings

Property management in municipalities and the county authorities
 201220132014Change in per cent 2013-2014
1The account for cleaning activities was new from 2013.
Municipalities and municipality enterprises    
Gross area, m2    
Total area objective buildings23 888 42724 316 75424 793 7522.0
Total area objective builings hired by the municipality1 427 4981 384 0521 668 78420.3
Expenditure, property management, NOK 1000    
Net operating expenditure, property management21 124 94622 088 29223 090 3094.5
Adjusted gross operating expenditure, property management22 158 62723 054 34524 015 8004.2
Expenditure, operating work11 512 39611 592 27011 946 0393.1
Expenditures, cleaning activity, property management1..2 795 8123 244 23716.0
Energy expenditures, property management2 625 4352 712 3182 455 257-9.5
Expenditure, maintenance work1 840 8972 118 2312 138 0000.9
Gross investment expenditures, property management17 752 17319 861 14621 674 1289.1
County authorities and county authority enterprises    
Gross area, m2    
Total area objective buildings4 549 2854 634 2604 670 9270.8
Total area objective buildings hired by the county authorities302 429366 398324 559-11.4
Expenditure, property management, NOK 1000    
Net operating expenditure, property management4 293 1164 414 3204 723 3257.0
Adjusted gross operating expenditure, property management4 444 0084 603 1884 938 6927.3
Expenditure, operating work2 181 5382 131 8112 247 5985.4
Corrected gross expenditures county authority property management cleaning activity1..385 391469 25621.8
Energy expenditures, property management444 989432 232388 701-10.1
Expenditure, maintenance work379 940458 094420 384-8.2
Gross investment expenditures, county authority property management3 829 6784 887 2704 815 577-1.5

See selected tables from this statistics

Table 1 
Property management in the municipalities and municipal enterprises

Property management in the municipalities and municipal enterprises
1The account for cleaning activities was new from 2013.
Expenditure, property management, NOK 1000   
Gross investment expenditures, property management17 752 17319 861 14621 674 128
Net operating expenditure, property management21 124 94622 088 29223 090 309
Adjusted gross operating expenditure, property management22 158 62723 054 34524 015 800
Expenditure, operating work11 512 39611 592 27011 946 039
Expenditures, cleaning activity, property management1..2 795 8123 244 237
Energy expenditures, property management2 625 4352 712 3182 455 257
Expenditure, maintenance work1 840 8972 118 2312 138 000
Expenditure per square metre and inhabitants   
Net operating expenditure, property management per inhabitant4 1824 3234 470
Adjusted gross operating expenditure, property management per square metre928948969
Expenditure, operating work per square metre513506517
Expenditures, cleaning activity per square metre, property management1..122140
Energy expenditures, property management per square metre11011299
Expenditure, maintenance work per square metre829292
Gross area, m2   
Total area objective buildings23 888 42724 316 75424 793 752
Total area objective builings owned by the municipality22 460 93022 935 10123 124 062
Total area objective builings hired by the municipality1 427 4981 384 0521 668 784
Total area administration offices2 349 1912 282 7862 176 674
Total area kindergarten offices1 687 7001 753 2471 834 320
Total area school offices10 902 95411 067 67411 411 837
Total area institution offices5 176 5255 154 3145 274 126
Total area municipal culture buildings1 454 0471 547 1471 630 479
Total area municipal sport buildings2 318 0112 504 2452 464 336
Gross area per inhabitant/consumer, m2   
Gross area for kindergarten buildings per child in a municipal kindergarten11.3011.8012.40
Gross area per pupil in public sector primary and secondary schools18.3018.6019.10
Samlet areal på institusjonslokaler i kvadratmeter per innbygger 80 år og o ..23.4023.3023.90

Table 2 
Property management in the county authorities and county authority enterprises

Property management in the county authorities and county authority enterprises
1The account for cleaning activities was new from 2013.
Expenditure, property management, NOK 1000   
Gross investment expenditures, county authority property management3 829 6784 887 2704 815 577
Net operating expenditure, property management4 293 1164 414 3204 723 325
Adjusted gross operating expenditure, property management4 444 0084 603 1884 938 692
Expenditure, operating work2 181 5382 131 8112 247 598
Corrected gross expenditures county authority property management cleaning activity1..385 391469 256
Energy expenditures, property management444 989432 232388 701
Expenditure, maintenance work379 940458 094420 384
Expenditure per square metre and inhabitants, NOK   
Net operating expenditure, property management per inhabitant850864914
Adjusted gross operating expenditure, property management per square metre9779931 057
Expenditure, operating work per square metre514500517
Corrected gross expenditures county authority property management cleaning activity per square metres1..90108
Energy expenditures, property management per square metre989383
Expenditure, maintenance work per square metre8910797
Gross area, m2   
Total area objective buildings4 549 2854 634 2604 670 927
Total area objective buildings owned by the county authorities4 246 8564 267 8624 346 368
Total area objective buildings hired by the county authorities302 429366 398324 559
Total area administration offices246 186265 937245 416
Total area school offices4 303 0994 368 3234 425 512
Gross area per inhabitant/consumer, m2   
Gross area for upper secondary schools per student in county municipal upper secondary schools23.6023.8024.40

About the statistics

The statistics give a detailed overview of the municipalities; property management. It shows how much gross area the municipalities; buildings are made of, and the cost of maintaining the buildings. Municipalities can be compared both over time and to other municipalities.


Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Definition of gross area:
The total floor space of a building, including unusable space, measured from the outside walls.

The operating account includes revenues and expenditures, and also includes repayment etc. Operational accounts are specified according to account category, function and type.

Standard classifications

Statistics Norway has classified all the 428 municipalities into 16 categories (in 2013), by number of inhabitants and economic external conditions. The classification of municipalities is described by Langørgen, Løkken and Aaberge (2015) (only in Norwegian). In calculating the average for county municipalities, the municipalities are divided into 19 county municipalities in accordance with the standard for municipality classification.

Administrative information

Name and topic

Name: Property management, local government
Topic: Public sector

Responsible division

Division for Housing, Property, Spatial and Agricultural Statistics

Regional level

Municipalities- Data is published for all the municipalities
County municipalities- Data is published for all the county municipalities

Frequency and timeliness

Preliminary figures publication is 15. March in KOSTRA
Audited figures publication is 15. June in KOSTRA
Latest article publication is approx. 2 week after the KOSTRA publication 15. June.

International reporting

Not relevant


Data for KOSTRA (from and til accounting year 2001) is saved in 3 samples of microdata (file as per 15.3, revised by munipalities and municipalities counties 15.4 and revised by Statistics Norway as per 156) in KOSTRA-KOEK- database in Oracle.


Background and purpose

The statistics give a detailed overview of the municipalities; property management. It shows how much gross area the municipalities; buildings are made of, and the cost of maintaining the buildings. Municipalities can be compared both over time and to other municipalities.

The ministry of Local Government and Regional Development is the assignment-giver (authority) for the publication of the municipality accounts statistics.

Users and applications

The statistics is important in providing governing information regarding the municipalities; property management to politicians, state authorities and to the municipalities.

External users are e.g. municipalities and county municipalities, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, in addition to research institutions, media and others.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

Not relevant

Legal authority

The Local government act, 25 sep.1992 No.107. Updated with all amendments enacted up to 7 January 2005.

Municipal accounts regulations (available only in Norwegian) Forskrift av 15.desember 2000 om rapportering fra kommuner og fylkeskommuner § 1 jf. § 8, 2. ledd.

EEA reference

Not relevant



The statistics comprises all the municipalities, county municipalities and the consolidated companies that own local government buildings. The municipalities have different characteristics in relation to their geographical structures and the number of inhabitants. More than half of the municipalities have less than 5 000 inhabitants, while only 12 municipalities have more than 50 000 inhabitants.

Data sources and sampling

Statistics are collected from two data source; KOSTRA questionnaires 34A, 34B, 34C, 34D and the individual municipalities accounting.

Comprises of all the municipalities, county municipalities and the consolidated companies that own local government buildings.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Data is reported electronically to Statistics Norway by to methods. An online questionnaire is submitted as well as a file extract from the municipalities accounting systems.

The deadline for reporting of both the questionnaire and file extract is 15th Feb.

There are different controls and revision systems designed for the submission of both the electronic questionnaire and file extract.

Data from the questionnaire is controlled online and further checks is made once received.

The data containing the accounting figures is controlled online before submission to Statistics Norway with the help of an online control program designed to counter check the file-extract for any deviations. In case of any deviations, the file must be corrected by the respondents (municipalities) before it is finally accepted and registered. Additional checks are further carried out internally in Statistics Norway. These are checks to ensure that there are figures for important activities which have been assigned to the municipalities by legislation. In addition the figures are checked against figures from the previous year and against the corresponding municipality groups.

If large or many deviations are found, the respondent is contacted and asked to submit a new corrected questionnaire and/or corrected accounting report. Data for the previous year is published as part of KOSTRA (Municipality-State-Reporting) the following year on March 15th as preliminary figures. In addition the municipalities and county municipalities have a deadline the 15th of April to report their improved figures for the publication of audited figures 15th of June.

The data is published as key figures and basic figures. Basic figures are absolute figures.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

The reporting of the questionnaires 34A, 34B, 34C, 34D was carried out for the first time in 2009.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The controlling of the published preliminary figures March 15th, are only done by electronic controls. These controls do not find all the errors and there can be errors in the published preliminary figures March 15th. When publishing edited figures June 15th, controls are made by both Statistics Norway and the municipalities themselves. The publication gives very detailed information, and the controls done by Statistics Norway do not cover all details, so errors can still occur.

Questionnaires 34A, 34B, 34C, 34D has been reported for the first time by municipalities in 2009 (for accounting year 2008). The questionnaire is not without errors as the municipalities have no experience in the registration of the required data and also due to the absence of similar figures from the previous year.

Partial non-response occurs. The reporting of questionnaires 34A, 34B, 34C, 34D and municipality accounts is based on the principle of total counting, but there will always be considerable defections when Statistics Norway publishes preliminary figures March 15th. The audited figures published the 15th of June by KOSTRA, are figures controlled by the municipalities themselves and Statistics Norway.

Publication of audited figures 15th of June produce some defections but considerable less than publication of the preliminary figures. In the publication of 15th March the defection rate can be about 30 per cent, but in June the defection rate is normally less than 5 per cent.

The statistics is based on the principle of total counting.


Figures for property tax accounts are published the year after the other figures conerning property tax. 
Preliminary figures publication is 15. March in KOSTRA
Audited figures publication is 15. June in KOSTRA