Price index of first-hand domestic sales15 June 2011


All releases for Price index of first-hand domestic sales - monthly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
10 March 2015 February 2015 First price increase in six months
10 February 2015 January 2015 Higher prices for most goods
9 January 2015 15 December 2014 Continued price decrease in PIF
10 December 2014 15 November 2014 Price falls in petroleum products
10 November 2014 15 October 2014 Price decrease in PIF
10 October 2014 15 September 2014 Slight price decrease in PIF
10 September 2014 15 August 2014 Weak price decrease in PIF
11 August 2014 15 July 2014 Continued price rise in PIF
10 July 2014 15 June 2014 Increase in PIF
10 June 2014 15 May 2014 Small rise in PIF
9 May 2014 15 April 2014 Continued price fall within energy products
10 April 2014 15 March 2014 Price falls for energy products
10 March 2014 15 February 2014 PIF unchanged
10 February 2014 15 January 2014 Weak rise in PIF
10 January 2014 15 December 2013 High import prices for fruits and vegetables