Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Parents want fruit at school Articles Education
Increased foreign ownership in manufacturing Articles Energy and manufacturing
Most manure is spread on meadowland Articles Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Updated numbers on immigrants 2001 Articles Population, Immigration and immigrants
Correction of figures for sales of marine gas oils and auto diesel Artikler Nature and the environment
Middle-aged keeps on smoking Artikler Health
Corona consequences for CPI Artikler Prices and price indices, Income and consumption
The wealthiest bought 4 out of 10 EVs Artikler Transport and tourism
How does the corona situation affect CPI? Artikler Prices and price indices, Income and consumption
Less Norwegians smoke, more use snus Artikler Health
Norway with GDP 50 per cent above the European average Artikler Prices and price indices
Iceland, Switzerland and Norway most expensive in 2017 Artikler Prices and price indices
Norway has second highest consumption level in Europe Artikler Prices and price indices
Snus and cigarettes equally popular Artikler Health
Snus more used than cigarettes Artikler Health