Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Women and men in Norway 2010: what the figures say Booklets Population, Social conditions, welfare and crime, Health, Income and consumption, Education, Labour market and earnings, Culture and recreation, Elections
Guide to environment statistics 2009 Booklets Nature and the environment
This is Svalbard 2009: what the figures say Booklets Population, Svalbard
This is Norway 2009: what the figures say Booklets Population
Guide to environment statistics 2008 Booklets Nature and the environment
This is Norway 2006: what the figures say Booklets Population
Women and men in Norway 2006: what the figures say Booklets Population
This is Norway 2003: what the figures say Booklets Population
Didactic methods and small-group instruction for low-performing adolescents in mathematics: Results from a randomized controlled trial Discussion Papers no. 957 National accounts and business cycles
Emission targets and coalition options for a small, ambitious country: An analysis of welfare costs and distributional impacts for Norway Discussion Papers no. 956 National accounts and business cycles
Corporate taxes, investment and the self-financing rate: The effect of location decisions and exports Discussion Papers no. 955 National accounts and business cycles
Family composition and transitions into long-term care services among the elderly Discussion Papers no. 954 National accounts and business cycles
Flexible empirical Bayes estimation of local fertility schedules: reducing small area problems and preserving regional variation Discussion Papers no. 953 National accounts and business cycles
Altruist talk may (also) be cheap: Revealed versus stated altruism as a predictor in stated preference studies Discussion Papers no. 952 National accounts and business cycles
A two-stage pooled panel data estimator of demand elasticities Discussion Papers no. 951 National accounts and business cycles