Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Indirect inference methods for stochastic volatility models based on non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes Discussion Papers no. 601 National accounts and business cycles
Non-parametric identification of the mixed proportional hazards model with interval-censored durations Discussion Papers no. 600 National accounts and business cycles
Social norms and private provision of public goods: endogenous peer groups Discussion Papers no. 257 National accounts and business cycles
Social norms and private provision of public goods: endogenous peer groups Discussion Papers no. 257 National accounts and business cycles
Synthetic graphical modelling of binary panel data subject to non-response: a case study Discussion Papers no. 220 National accounts and business cycles
From growth theory to technology policy: coordination problems in theory and practice Discussion Papers no. 219 National accounts and business cycles
A note on post-stratification when analyzing binary survey data subject to non-response Discussion Papers no. 218 National accounts and business cycles
Post-stratification and calibration: a synthesis Discussion Papers no. 216 National accounts and business cycles
Do higher wages reflect higher productivity?: education, gender, and experience premiums in a matched plant-worker data set Discussion Papers no. 208 National accounts and business cycles
Change in regime and Markow models Discussion Papers no. 204 National accounts and business cycles
Dynamic choice, multistate duration models and stochastic structure Discussion Papers no. 172 National accounts and business cycles
Consumer demand in a general equilibrium model for environmental analysis Discussion Papers no. 105 National accounts and business cycles
A taxonomy for indicators related to the Sustainable Development Goals Documents 2021/11 Nature and the environment
Decomposing real GDI growth in the Norwegian market economy Documents 2020/40 National accounts and business cycles
KVARTS - modelling of the Consumer Price Index: The impact on domestic consumer prices of tax changes and foreign prices Documents 2020/39 Prices and price indices