Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Millenium development goals (MDG) database: metadata for Nepal, 2011 Documents 2011/41 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Millenium development goals (MDG) database: metadata for Mozambique, 2011 Documents 2011/40 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Millenium development goals (MDG) database: metadata for Bangladesh, 2011 Documents 2011/39 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Price index for postal and courier services Documents 2011/31 Prices and price indices
Price index for cargo handling services Documents 2011/28 Prices and price indices
The Norwegian Emission Inventory 2011: documentation of methodologies for estimating emissions of greenhouse gases and long-range transboundary air pollutants Documents 2011/21 Nature and the environment
Environmentally motivated transfers in Norway 2007: A test of the methodology proposed by Eurostat Task Force on Environmentally Related Transfers Documents 2011/15 National accounts and business cycles, Nature and the environment
A study of Norwegian local government behaviour in a dynamic context Documents 2011/06 Public sector
Household data in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey Documents 2010/46 Labour market and earnings
A multi-stage consumer demand system based on LES at all levels: technical documentation Documents 2010/45 Income and consumption
Life-course, generation and gender LOGG 2007: field report of the Norwegian generations and gender survey Documents 2010/34 Population
Developing a modelling system to supplement and distribute road traffic volumes from odometer readings: final report to Eurostat Documents 2010/23 Transport and tourism
The Norwegian emission inventory 2010: documentation of methodologies for estimating emissions of greenhouse gases and long-range transboundary air pollutants Documents 2010/21 Nature and the environment
Norwegian NMVOC emissions from sector 3, solvent and other products use: providing a basis for discussing the inclusion of new emission sources in the guidebook Documents 2010/20 Nature and the environment
Pilot study on estimating the volume of water for irrigation in Norway: final report to EUROSTAT Documents 2010/15 Nature and the environment