Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Measuring the stock of human capital for Norway: a lifetime labour income approach Documents 2009/12 Labour market and earnings, National accounts and business cycles
Translating and testing the European Health Interview Survey, Norway 2008: corrected version 21 August 2009 Documents 2009/11 Health
The Norwegian emission inventory 2009: documentation of methodologies for estimating emissions of greenhouse gases and long-range transboundary air pollutants Documents 2009/10 Nature and the environment
Price index for business and management consultancy activities Documents 2009/1 Prices and price indices
Norwegian health accounts : Eurostat project report Documents 2008/9 National accounts and business cycles
School performance and value-added indicators - what is the effect of controlling for socioeconomic background? Documents 2008/8 Education
Immigrant participation in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey. 2006-2007 Documents 2008/7 Labour market and earnings
Managing metadata in Statistics Norway Documents 2008/6 Population
Compendium from a workshop on scaling-up support to statistics in Oslo, December 2007 Documents 2008/5 National accounts and business cycles
Prisindeks for rengjøringsvirksomhet Documents 2008/49 Prices and price indices
The lifelong learning survey: documentation of the survey process Documents 2008/4 Education
World values survey: documentation report Documents 2008/3 Population
A simple model for studying the effects of proxy interviewing: the Norwegian Labour Force Survey as a case study Documents 2008/2 Labour market and earnings
Optimal indirect taxation: a review of theoretical and empirical result Documents 2008/19 Income and consumption
Measurement of non-market services in Norway with examples from education Documents 2008/18 National accounts and business cycles