Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Stress-testing the Norwegian economy: The effects of the 1.5°C scenario on global energy markets and the Norwegian economy: Developing a baseline scenario by soft-linking three models Reports 2021/07 Energy and manufacturing, National accounts and business cycles
Routes into higher education in Norway Reports 2021/06 Education
Refugees inside and outside the labour market 2019 Reports 2021/05 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Regional mobility and regional labor market participation among health workers and nurses educated in 2009 Reports 2021/04 Health
The educational career of persons born in 1975, 1985 and 1995 Reports 2021/03 Education, Immigration and immigrants
Emigration and re-immigration of persons born in Norway Reports 2021/02 Population, Immigration and immigrants
The lowest paid jobs: Who occupies these jobs and how long do they occupy them Reports 2021/01 Labour market and earnings
Healthy life centres and similar preventive health services in municipalities 2013-2019: Analysis of healthy life centers and other services for lifestyle changes and coping with illness Reports 2020/54 Health
Understanding Enterprise Growth: Using multiple indicators to shed light on growth in micro-enterprises and the dynamics of firm growth over time Reports 2020/53 Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Municipal wastewater 2019: Expenditures, investments, fees, discharges, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge Reports 2020/52 Nature and the environment
Workplace presence, wages and employment Reports 2020/51 Labour market and earnings
Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration 2020 Reports 2020/49 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Classification of Norwegian municipalities by population size and economic workload 2020 Reports 2020/48 Public sector
Party choice by some social characteristics in the last general and local elections: With some historical tables Reports 2020/47 Elections
Wealth among low-income households Reports 2020/46 Income and consumption