Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
What characterizes schools and counties that contribute more, or less than expected to pupils' learning? Reports 2020/30 Education
Economy, health and well-being: An analysis of the EU-SILC Survey of level of living 2017 Reports 2020/29 Social conditions, welfare and crime, Income and consumption, Health
Study Cities in Nordic Countries Reports 2020/28 Education
Municipal population projections, 2020-2050 Reports 2020/27 Population
Norway’s 2020 population projections: National level results, methods and assumptions Reports 2020/25 Population
Abating greenhouse gases in the Norwegian non-ETS sector by 50 per cent by 2030: A macroeconomic analysis of Climate Cure 2030 Reports 2020/23 Nature and the environment
From abuse to sanction: Statistics on domestic violence and offences against children in the criminal justice chain 2010-2017 Reports 2020/22 Social conditions, welfare and crime
How is the situation for immigrants 5 years after they took a bachelor or masters degree in Norway? Reports 2020/21 Education, Immigration and immigrants
The economic integration of immigrants in Norway over time Reports 2020/20 Income and consumption, Immigration and immigrants
Wage differentials over time among young adults educated in 2007 Reports 2020/19 Labour market and earnings
Classification of Norwegian municipalities by population size and economic workload 2018 Reports 2020/18 Public sector
Houshold payments for kindergarten, January 2020 Reports 2020/17 Education
Buliding activity in rural areas 2008-2018 Reports 2020/16 Construction, housing and property, Nature and the environment
Costs of school closure in the face of COVID-19 Reports 2020/15 National accounts and business cycles, Education
Analysis of demand decline and their ripple effects as a result of Covid19 and measures to reduce the spread of infection Reports 2020/14 National accounts and business cycles, Health