Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Employment and education among young people with immigrant background. 2013 Reports 2015/07 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Innovation in the Norwegian Business Enterprise Sector 2010-2012 Reports 2015/06 Technology and innovation
Employment in the petroleum industry and related industries 2013 Reports 2015/05 Labour market and earnings, Energy and manufacturing
The population with an immigrant background in 13 municipalities in Norway Reports 2015/04 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Is shared residence for children practiced by new groups of parents? Reports 2015/03 Population
Which non-resident fathers have little or no contact with their children Reports 2015/02 Population
Cooperation among parents living apart Reports 2015/01 Population
Municipal wastewater 2013: Expenditures, investments, discharges, treatment and disposal of sewage sludge. Wastewater fees 2014 Reports 2014/41 Nature and the environment
Employment in the power supply industry and power related establishments 2013 Reports 2014/40 Labour market and earnings, Energy and manufacturing
Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration 2014 Reports 2014/39 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Employment and economic transfers among seven arrival cohorts of immigrants observed through 1993-2010 Reports 2014/38 Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime, Immigration and immigrants
Young people neither in paid employment nor in education or training Reports 2014/37 Labour market and earnings
Disabled people on the labour market in 2014 Reports 2014/36 Labour market and earnings, Health
R&D activity in foreign-controlled enterprises Reports 2014/35 Technology and innovation, Establishments, enterprises and accounts
On welfare benefits and not participating in the labour market Reports 2014/34 Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime