Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Nursing and care services 2013: Statistics on services and recipients Reports 2014/33 Health
Immigrants and the 2013 Storting Election Reports 2014/32 Elections, Immigration and immigrants
Projections of population and labour force by education based on alternative assumptions about immigration Reports 2014/31 Labour market and earnings, Education, Immigration and immigrants
Competency profile in primary education: Main results 2013/14 Reports 2014/30 Education
Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) Reports 2014/29 Education
Overqualification among immigrants in Norway 2007 – 2012 Reports 2014/28 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
With mother, with father or shared residence?: Individual changes in residential arrangements for children of parents living apart Reports 2014/27 Population
District heating and district cooling in Norway Reports 2014/26 Energy and manufacturing
Shares of immigrants among employees in establishments 2012 Reports 2014/25 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants, Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Household payments in kindergartens, January 2014 Reports 2014/24 Education
Immigrants with a weak connection with the labour market - who are they? Reports 2014/22 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants, Social conditions, welfare and crime
Monitor for secondary migration: Among people with refugee background domiciled in 2003-2012 Reports 2014/21 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Low income and dental health Reports 2014/20 Health
Labour force participation among older persons after the Norwegian pension reform Reports 2014/19 Labour market and earnings
Turnover in child welfare among municipalities Reports 2014/18 Labour market and earnings, Social conditions, welfare and crime