Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Municipal wastewater: Expenditures, investments, discharges, treatment and sewage sludge 2011. Wastewater fees 2012 Reports 2012/37 Nature and the environment
Disabled people on the labour market 2012 Reports 2012/36 Labour market and earnings
Wealth distribution in Norway: evidence from a new register-based data source Reports 2012/35 Income and consumption
Employment in the power supply industry and related industries 2011 Reports 2012/34 Labour market and earnings
Immigrant Labour Market Statistics from the Norwegian Labour Force Survey: Documentation of estimation procedures Reports 2012/33 Labour market and earnings
Young people with immigrant background in Scandinavia: How many are in employment or education? Reports 2012/32 Labour market and earnings
Macroeconomic modelling in developing countries: an example from Malawi Reports 2012/31 National accounts and business cycles
Immigrant Labour Supply: Distributional and Effeciency Impacts of Tax Reforms Reports 2012/30 Labour market and earnings
Spill over-effects of opening for petroleum production in Northern Norway: Norwegian Sea, Jan Mayen and Barents Sea Reports 2012/29 Energy and manufacturing
Access to recreation areas and areas for recreational walking: Results and methodology Reports 2012/28 Nature and the environment
Cities and environment: Indicators for environmental development in the "Cities of the future" Reports 2012/27
Economic trends for Møre og Romsdal: Economic trends per September 2012 Reports 2012/26 National accounts and business cycles
Acquisition of Norwegian citizenship 1977-2011 Reports 2012/25 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Cities and development: Indicators for environmental development in medium-sized cities in Norway Reports 2012/20
How are educational groups affected by economic shocks and trends? Reports 2011/50 Labour market and earnings