Measuring working hours in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey: a pilot study of data quality using administrative registers
Reports 2009/3
16 February 2009
Labour market and earnings
Quality report on the Norwegian structure of Earnings Survey 2006
Reports 2009/20
9 June 2009
Labour market and earnings
Living conditions among immigrants in Norway 2005/2006
Reports 2009/2
10 February 2009
Social conditions, welfare and crime, Immigration and immigrants
Owner-occupied housing in the Norwegian HICP
Reports 2009/18
14 May 2009
Prices and price indices
Estimating emissions of NMVOC from solvent and other product use: revised model
Reports 2009/14
31 March 2009
Nature and the environment
Harvested wood products in the context of climate change: a comparison of different models and approaches for the Norwegian greenhouse gas inventory
Reports 2009/12
24 March 2009
Nature and the environment
Living conditions of youth of immigrant origin: young people who have grown up in Norway with parents from Pakistan, Turkey or Vietnam
Reports 2008/51
4 December 2008
Social conditions, welfare and crime
The Norwegian emission inventory 2008: documentation of methodologies for estimating emissions of greenhouse gases and long-range transboundary air pollutants
Reports 2008/48
27 November 2008
Nature and the environment
Employment and education among young immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents: how different are youth with background from Eastern-Europe outside the EU, Asia, Africa and South- and Central-America compared
to the majority?
Reports 2008/44
6 November 2008
Labour market and earnings
Taxing energy - why and how?: the present policies across western countries
Reports 2008/28
31 July 2008
Energy and manufacturing
Use and emissions of hazardous substances in Norway, 2002-2006: based on data from the Norwegian Product Register
Reports 2008/24
17 June 2008
Nature and the environment
An innovation and climate policy model with factor-biased technological change: a small, open economy approach
Reports 2008/22
11 June 2008
Nature and the environment, Technology and innovation
Gender and migration: similarities and disparities among women and men in the immigrant population
Reports 2008/10
1 April 2008
Population, Immigration and immigrants
A practical approach for modelbased poverty prediction
Reports 2007/9
22 February 2007
Income and consumption
Input additionality in the Norwegian R&D tax credit scheme
Reports 2007/47
3 December 2007
Establishments, enterprises and accounts, Technology and innovation