Statistics Norway publications
Results (3085)
Title | Series/nr | Date | Topic |
High capacity utilisation long time ahead | Economic trends for Norway and abroad | National accounts and business cycles | |
High cargo volumes from Oslo and Akershus | Articles | Transport and tourism | |
High educational attainment in Norway | Indicators on education in the OECD | Education | |
High educational attainment in Norway | Indicators on education in the OECD | Education | |
High electricity prices contribute to downturn | Economic trends for Norway and abroad | National accounts and business cycles | |
High electricity prices for households | Articles | Energy and manufacturing, Prices and price indices | |
High emissions from solvent use | Articles | Nature and the environment | |
High employment rate for women in Norway | Articles | Labour market and earnings | |
High growth in R&D in businesses continues | Articles | Technology and innovation, Establishments, enterprises and accounts | |
High imports of goods | Articles | External economy | |
High level of continuing vocational training | Articles | Education | |
High level of social participation among the employed | Articles | Culture and recreation, Social conditions, welfare and crime | |
High potato yields in 2016 | Articles | Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing | |
High refugee immigration | Articles | Immigration and immigrants | |
High school dropout for marginal students: Evidence from randomized exam form | Discussion Papers no. 894 | National accounts and business cycles |