Statistics Norway publications
Results (3085)
Title | Series/nr | Date | Topic |
Natural resources and the environment 2005: Norway | Statistical analyses 079 | Nature and the environment | |
Natural resources and the environment 2006: Norway | Statistical analyses 088 | Nature and the environment | |
Natural resources and the environment 2007: Norway | Statistical analyses 099 | Nature and the environment | |
Natural resources and the environment 2008: Norway | Statistical analyses 109 | Nature and the environment, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Energy and manufacturing | |
Naturalisation reached record level | Articles | Population, Immigration and immigrants | |
Near the bottom of the cycle? | Economic trends for Norway and abroad | National accounts and business cycles | |
Nearly NOK 10 billion in hairdressing | Articles | Wholesale and retail trade and service activities | |
Nearly all sanctions are fines | Articles | Social conditions, welfare and crime | |
Negligible increase in waste from building activities | Articles | Nature and the environment, Construction, housing and property | |
Neighbourhood sonoscapes: context sensitive noise impact mapping | Documents 2004/12 | Nature and the environment | |
Net assets abroad decrease | Articles | External economy | |
Net assets increase by more than 1000 billion | Articles | Public sector | |
Net migration to Oslo is halved | Articles | Population | |
Net purchases of mutual fund shares | Articles | Banking and financial markets | |
New NOx factors give reduced emissions from ships | Articles | Nature and the environment |