Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
The gender-divided labour market Articles Labour market and earnings, Population
The global dimension of statistics Articles Population
The global effects of subglobal climate policies Discussion Papers no. 634 National accounts and business cycles
The growth and composition of the population under varying immigration assumptions Reports 2013/23 Population, Immigration and immigrants
The health management Information system in Malawi: Assessment of data quality and methods for improvement Documents 2017/03 Health
The impact of a lower school leaving age and a later retirement on the financing of the Norwegian public pension system Documents 2005/1 Public sector
The impact of public R&D support on firms' patenting Discussion Papers no. 911 National accounts and business cycles
The impacts of alternative policy instruments on environmental performance: a firm level study of temporary and persistent effects Discussion Papers no. 788 National accounts and business cycles
The impacts of the EU ETS on Norwegian plants’ environmental and economic performance Discussion Papers no. 833 National accounts and business cycles
The importance of a financial accelerator in the enterprise sector: Estimation results and simulation experiments using the macro-econometric model KVARTS Reports 2016/44 National accounts and business cycles, Banking and financial markets
The importance of lower secondary results on completion rates in upper secondary education Reports 2020/33 Education
The importance of the distribution sector for exchange rate pass-through in a small open economy: a large scale macroeconometric modelling approach Discussion Papers no. 731 National accounts and business cycles
The inequality effects of a dual income tax system Discussion Papers no. 663 National accounts and business cycles
The innovative input mix: assessing the importance of R&D and ICT investments for firm performance in manufacturing and services Discussion Papers no. 801 National accounts and business cycles
The ins and outs of top income mobility Discussion Papers no. 762 National accounts and business cycles