Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
This is Svalbard 2012: what the figures say Booklets Population, Svalbard
This is Svalbard 2014: what the figures say Booklets Population, Svalbard,
This is Svalbard 2016: What the figures say Booklets Population, Svalbard,
Three out of four sanctioned are men Articles Social conditions, welfare and crime
Three per cent have problems with vision Articles Health
Three times as many sick days among obese Norwegians Articles Health
Tightening of the economy Economic trends for Norway and abroad National accounts and business cycles
Time aggregation and state dependence in welfare receipt Discussion Papers no. 771 National accounts and business cycles
Timeuse among women and men in different phases of life and family types Reports 2013/45 Culture and recreation, Population
Tony Atkinson and his legacy Discussion Papers no. 863 National accounts and business cycles
Too much time spent on paid work leads to a reduction in study time Articles Education, Labour market and earnings
Total investments are expected to increase in 2019 Articles Energy and manufacturing
Total investments are expected to increase in 2020 Articles Energy and manufacturing
Total sales remained stable Articles Energy and manufacturing, Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
Total stocks in industry reduces Articles Energy and manufacturing, National accounts and business cycles