Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Two thirds of Norway’s coast is accessible to the public Articles Nature and the environment
Two-fold increase in Syrian participants Articles Education, Immigration and immigrants
Two-year oil-driven downturn may come to an end Economic trends for Norway and abroad National accounts and business cycles
Twofold increase in electricity price for households Articles Energy and manufacturing, Prices and price indices
Type, number, and incidence: recent patterns and differentials in relationship careers in Norway Discussion Papers no. 650 National accounts and business cycles
U.S. versus Sweden: the effect of alternative in-work tax credit policies on labour supply of single mothers Discussion Papers no. 761 National accounts and business cycles
UDI and the immigration administration Statistical analysis 2017 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Uganda receives statistical assistance from Norway Articles Population
Unaccompanied minor refugees 1996-2018: Demographics, education, employment and income. Reports 2020/13 Population, Immigration and immigrants
Unaccompanied minor refugees 2011: Employment, education and income Reports 2014/09 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Unaccompanied minor refugees 2015-2016: Child welfare, employment, education and income Reports 2018/03 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Unaccompanied minor refugees in the Child welfare services 2011 Reports 2014/07 Social conditions, welfare and crime, Immigration and immigrants
Uncertainties in emissions of long-range air pollutants Reports 2001/37 Nature and the environment
Uncertainties in the Norwegian greenhouse gas emission inventory Reports 2011/35 Nature and the environment
Uncertainties in the Norwegian greenhouse gas emission inventory Reports 2000/13 Nature and the environment