Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
Weaker results for the banks Articles Banking and financial markets
Weaker results for the banks Articles Banking and financial markets
Weaker results for the banks in 2020 Articles Banking and financial markets
Weaker surplus in the balance of goods and services Articles External economy, National accounts and business cycles
Wealth among low-income households Reports 2020/46 Income and consumption
Wealth distribution in Norway: evidence from a new register-based data source Reports 2012/35 Income and consumption
Wealth effects on consumption in financial crises: the case of Norway Discussion Papers no. 616 National accounts and business cycles
Wealthier, but so what? Articles Social conditions, welfare and crime
Welfare Core Survey: guidelines for design of a core survey for a household survey system Documents 2015/35 Social conditions, welfare and crime
Welfare benefits and employment: Immigrants with longterm sickness, social assistance or work assessment allowance (AAP) Reports 2018/25 Social conditions, welfare and crime, Immigration and immigrants, Labour market and earnings
Welfare effects of a corporate tax rate reduction in Norway Reports 2015/27 Public sector, Establishments, enterprises and accounts
West of Norway on a rise Articles Transport and tourism, Svalbard
What Causes the Child Penalty?: Evidence from Same Sex Couples and Policy Reforms Discussion Papers no. 902 National accounts and business cycles
What can we learn about household consumption expenditure from data on income and assets? Discussion Papers no. 923 National accounts and business cycles
What characterizes schools and counties that contribute more, or less than expected to pupils' learning? Reports 2020/30 Education