Statistics Norway publications

Results (3085)

Title Series/nr Date Topic
World health survey: survey report Documents 2003/5 Health
World values survey: documentation report Documents 2008/3 Population
Worst of the fall in output has passed Economic trends for Norway and abroad National accounts and business cycles
Young people neither in paid employment nor in education or training Reports 2014/37 Labour market and earnings
Young people on the labour market: Ad hoc module to the Labour Force Survey 2016 Reports 2017/30 Labour market and earnings
Young people positive towards immigrants Articles Population, Immigration and immigrants
Young people who are not in employment or education Labour market and earnings
Young people with immigrant background in Scandinavia: How many are in employment or education? Reports 2012/32 Labour market and earnings
Young people with immigrant background in employment and education 2015 Reports 2017/22 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants
Young people with immigrant background in employment and education 2016 Reports 2018/04 Labour market and earnings, Immigration and immigrants