Can a cash transfer to families change fertility behaviour?
Discussion Papers no. 800
4 March 2015
National accounts and business cycles
Can non-market regulations spur innovations in environmental technologies?: study on firm level patenting
Discussion Papers no. 754
1 October 2013
National accounts and business cycles
Capital costs in municipal school buildings
Reports 2004/9
24 May 2004
Public sector
Capital has most tourism
27 June 2011
National accounts and business cycles, Transport and tourism
Capturing Key Energy and Emission Trends in CGE models: Assessment of Status and Remaining Challenges
Discussion Papers no. 936
8 July 2020
National accounts and business cycles
Car numbers and mileage up
6 April 2017
Transport and tourism
Car sales for NOK 123 billion in 2015
6 July 2017
Wholesale and retail trade and service activities
Carbon capture and storage technologies in the European power market
Discussion Papers no. 603
29 December 2009
National accounts and business cycles
Carbon dynamics related to tree planting on new areas in Norway
Discussion Papers no. 848
8 November 2016
National accounts and business cycles
Cartelization in gas markets: studying the potential for a “Gas OPEC”
Discussion Papers no. 638
1 December 2010
National accounts and business cycles
Cash-on-hand and the duration of job search: quasi-experimental evidence from Norway
Discussion Papers no. 679
1 February 2012
National accounts and business cycles
Categories of immigration background in the Norwegian population
Reports 2014/16
6 May 2014
Population, Immigration and immigrants
Causal effects of paternity leave on children and parents
Discussion Papers no. 657
1 July 2011
National accounts and business cycles
Causality in macroeconomics: identifying causal relationships from policy instruments to target variables
Documents 2002/14
26 August 2002
National accounts and business cycles
Causes and effects of measurement errors in educational attainment: Experiences from The European Social Survey in Norway
Documents 2020/35
20 October 2020