

The links below lead to all statistics on Svalbard. To access the Svalbard numbers directly, please pick the relevant page and follow the link to the Statbank. In the Statbank, choose the tables that contain numbers for municipalities, marked (M). Links to the statistics that give numbers exclusively for Svalbard are found at the bottom of this page.

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  • A sixth of mainland Norway is protected areas

    Protected areas comprise more than a sixth of mainland Norway’s total land area, which is triple that of 2000. In recent years there have only been minor increases, with 0.3 per cent in 2016, roughly the size of the Norwegian municipality of Bærum...

  • Fewer employed in Rogaland

    Between the 4th quarter of 2015 and the 4th quarter of 2016 the number of employed persons in the county of Rogaland decreased by 2.2 per cent. Of all the counties, the change in employment was largest here. For the country as a whole, the number ...

  • The economy of the North 2015

    Statistical analyses 151

    The objective of The Economy of the North 2015 is to present a comprehensive overview of the economy of the circumpolar Arctic, including the traditional production activities of the indigenous peoples.

  • Record number of building permissions

    In 2016, building start permits were given for 36 200 dwellings. This is 16 per cent more than in 2015. The number of registered building start permits has not been higher since 2000, when they were first measured. 

  • More student homes

    In the 4th quarter of 2016, building permission was given for 10 300 dwellings, with 1.3 million square metres of utility floor space. This is 16 per cent up from the same quarter in the previous year. New student homes contributed to the growth. 

  • This is Svalbard 2016

    A wide-ranging and readily comprehensible picture of society, business, nature and the environment on Svalbard. 

  • Strong growth in expenses has stopped

    After several years of strong growth in government expenses on Svalbard the expenses dropped by 6 per cent from 2014 to 2015.

  • This is Svalbard 2014

    A wide-ranging and readily comprehensible picture of life and society on Svalbard.

  • Environmental impacts and indicators for the state of the nature on Svalbard

  • This is Svalbard 2012

    A wide-ranging and readily comprehensible picture of life and society on Svalbard.

  • This is Svalbard 2009

    A wide-ranging and readily comprehensible picture of life and society on Svalbard, based on available statistics.
