Technology and innovation

ICT usage in municipalities and county authorities (discontinued)2004


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: ICT usage in municipalities and county authorities (discontinued)
Topic: Technology and innovation

Responsible division

Transport, Tourism and ICT Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Information- and communication technology (ICT) comprise personal computers, terminals and working stations plus software that are used on the computers. ICT comprises also equipment and solutions for communication with external networks.

Expenses on computer equipment, software and related consultancy services
The following products and services are included in the collective term computer equipment, software and related consultancy services.

Computer equipment
Computer equipment consists of the following goods and related consultancy services (e.g installation and maintenance). Software is included when computer equipment and software are purchased together and they can not be separated.

1. Computer and related equipment 2.Telecommunication equipment 3. Audio and video equipment 4. Other ICT goods
- Computers no matter what size including servers and larger systems - Computer screens, keyboards, printers and scanners - Network equipment including routers and cabling - Telecommunications network including cabling - Switchboards, telephones, telephone answering machines and facsimile machines - Aerials - Burglar or fire alarm systems - Tv, video, dvd, monitors and projectors - Video cameras and digital cameras - Radio receivers - Loudspeakers and amplifiers - Instruments and appliances for medical use - Measuring instruments - Electronic calculating machines

Software and related consultancy services
Purchased software consist of pre-packaged software and customised software (license fees are included). Related consultancy services comprise development, implementation and testing.

1. Pre-packaged software 2. Customised software
Software that demands no or minor adjustments. Examples: - Software packages - Operating systems and development tools - Word processing programs, spreadsheets etc. Software that is adjusted to the enterprises needs and for the enterprises expenses

Standard classifications

Not relevant

Administrative information

Regional level

National, county and partly municipal.

Frequency and timeliness

Frequency: Annually None revised figures are published 15 of march. Revised figures are published 15 of june.

International reporting

Not relevant


Raw data files and revised files are stored.


Background and purpose

The purpose of the survey is to map the use of information- and communication technology (ICT) in municipalities and county municipalities. The survey was started in 2002 for the municipalities and 2004 for the county municipalities.

Users and applications

Municipalities, county municipalities, authorities, economic life, industry organizations and media.

Coherence with other statistics

Some of the variables in the Danish survey are comparable with some of the variables in the Norwegian survey. The results from the surveys are available on the website of Statistics Denmark .

Legal authority

The Statistics Act, Section 3-2.

EEA reference

Not relevant



The population of the survey exists of all municipalities and county municipalities in Norway.

Data sources and sampling

The survey is a part of KOSTRA and data are reported electronic from municipalities and county municipalities to Statistics Norway.

The sample consist of all municipalities and county municipalities in Norway.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Estimated usage of time for each respondent filling in the requested information is 30 minutes. The total for the survey is around 216 hours for the municipalities and 9 hours for the counties.

Data are verified before they arrives SSB of logical checks in the electronic questionnaires. Data are also revised when they arrives SSB. After publication of preliminary figures 15 of Mach the municipalities and county municipals have deadline 15 April to send revised data. For this survey preliminary figures were not published for all variables. All variables in the survey however, are revised by SSB in cooperation with the municipalities and county municipalities.


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

The survey is based on a questionnaire developed by the Nordic cooperation. On the basis of comments from the committee for ICT statistics and other users the questionnaire has been completed/changed during the time. The length of time series will because of this vary from variable to variable.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Respondents can misunderstand some of the questions in the inquiry and in that way give wrong answers. The inquiry contents electronic checks to uncover logical errors. In addition to the electronic checks the data are revised manually.

For some municipalities and county municipalities there are complicated to report data on expenses in computer equipment, software and related consultancy services. The background for this is that the demanded data are not presented as separate figures in the accounting system. It is reason to believe that some of the reported figures approximate correct. Some municipalities and county municipalities have stressed this in their comments.

The municipalities and the county municipalities had unit none response errors at 12 and 0 per cent respectively.

The statistics are based on total counting.