Solid results in telecommunications
Technology and innovation
stelepost, Post and telecommunications, structural business statisticsInformation and communication technology - ICT, Technology and innovation

Post and telecommunications, structural business statistics2006



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Solid results in telecommunications

Telecommunications created values for NOK 32 billion in 2006. This is 4 per cent up from 2005. Employment increased less, by 2.8 per cent. Value added was especially high for mobile operators.

Turnover divided by industry sub group. NOK Billion

Operating income and operating costs, telecommunication activities. Local KAUs 2006. NOK Billion

Valued added rose in the telecommunication industry. At the same time, employment was relatively steady. Within mobile operators, employment declined by 2 per cent while valued added increased by 18 per cent. Value added reached nearly 10 billion in 2006. Operating results increased, and the operating margin closed at 28 per cent.

Internet service providers

Businesses within Internet providing are still struggling with negative operating results. Still, the results are improving and ended at minus NOK 96 million in 2006. The operating margin is negative and closed at 3 per cent. Employment declined by 5.7 per cent compared with 2005.

Workforce reductions in postal services

Postal services employed 18 325 persons in 2006. This is a 3.6 per cent decline from 2005. Turnover and value added declined by 3.8 and 1.1 per cent respectively. Operating results closed at NOK 864 million.

Courier activities

Businesses within courier activities employed 6 940 persons in 2006, a 27 per cent increase compared with 2005. This sub-industry is characterized by small firms and part-time employees.

County figures

A few big companies characterize the industries telecommunication and post activities. Restructurings in these companies will have a considerable influence on the figures distributed by counties.

Statistics on the enterprise level

The structural business statistics for post and telecommunication activities are compiled both on the local KAU level and on the enterprise level. Figures on the enterprise level will usually deviate from figures on the local KAU level. This is due to the fact that the enterprises are registered in the industry subclass that comprises the main part of the activity of the enterprise, and therefore may be registered in a different industry than some of the local KAUs.

Revision of industries

In 2007, the enterprises in Statistic Norway’s Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises have been coded in accordance with the new Standard Industrial Classification (SN2007). This has revealed some incorrectly classified enterprises and local KAUs. In such cases, the code according to the current standard (SN2002) has been revised. The impact for post and telecommunication activities has been minor.
