Lower employment in publishing industry
Technology and innovation
stinfokom, Information and communication, structural business statistics, publishing, film and television production, radio and TV, telecommunication, ICT services, information services, enterprises, employees, turnover, value addedInformation and communication technology - ICT, Technology and innovation

Information and communication, structural business statistics2009, preliminary figures



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Lower employment in publishing industry

In 2009, the publishing industry faced a decline in employment and turnover. The turnover amounted to NOK 41.8 billion, down 3.8 per cent from 2008.

Turnover within publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities fell 6.4 per cent from NOK 30.4 billion in 2008 to NOK 28.5 billion in 2009. Employment decreased by 5.4 per cent from 17 180 to 16 246 people. In 2009, there were 1 609 enterprises in this industry group, which is 57 enterprises fewer than in 2008. The other industry group, software publishing, experienced a growth in turnover, rising 2.1 per cent to NOK 13.3 billion. The employment remained unchanged at well over 8 000 people.

Employment by industry division. Enterprises. Preliminary figures 2009

Turnover by industry division. Enterprises. Final figures 2008 and preliminary figures 2009. NOK billion

Stable turnover in computer programming and consultancy despite fewer firms

The industry division Computer programming, consultancy and related activities includes computer programming activities, computer consultancy activities, computer facilities management activities and other information technology and computer service activities. In 2009, the number of enterprises in this industry division decreased by 8.7 per cent to 7 400. The turnover was NOK 51.1 billion, only 1 per cent down from 2008. The number of employees also increased slightly and equalled 32 507 people.

Lower employment in telecommunications

The total turnover within telecommunications was NOK 65.5 billion. Both employment and the number of enterprises declined. In 2009, there were 665 enterprises in this industry; 26 fewer than in 2008. The number of employees went down from 13 433 in 2008 to 12 958 in 2009.

Decreases in turnover and employment within wireless telecommunications and increase in turnover and employment within wired telecommunications were due to changes in industry group codes. Total turnover for these two industry groups fell 0.4 per cent to NOK 59.1 billion. Total employment was 11 748, or 533 employees fewer than in 2008. Satellite telecommunications experienced a large growth in turnover, with a 16.3 per cent increase to NOK 4.6 billion. Employment rose only by 4.4 per cent and amounted to 540.

Turnover within programming and broadcasting activities down

Programming and broadcasting activities had a reduction both in turnover and employment. The turnover was NOK 8.9 billion, which is 3.6 per cent less than in the previous year. The industry comprised 181 firms with 5 819 employees. In 2009, turnover within motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities remained at the same level as in 2008; NOK 7.3 billion. The smallest industry within Information and communication, information service activities, had a turnover of NOK 6.2 billion and employed 4 228 persons. This corresponds to an increase of 2.6 and 6.8 per cent respectively from 2008

Preliminary figures

Preliminary figures for structural business statistics are only published on enterprise level. In general, the figures for enterprises will show other values than the figures for local kind-of-activity units. This is due to the fact that an enterprise registered with its main activity in one industry may have local kind-of-activity units in other industries. Only figures for number of enterprises, persons employed and turnover on a 3-digit industry level are published. The data are not as thoroughly revised as they will be when the final figures are published in May 2011.
