More private cars scrapped for refund
Transport and tourism
bilvrak, Vehicles discarded against refundLand transport , Transport and tourism

Vehicles discarded against refund2004



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More private cars scrapped for refund

In 2004 a total of 10 8880 private cars and vans were scrapped in Norway. This is 6.4 per cent more than in the previous year. Finnmark County had the highest average age for private cars when scrapped, while cars in Oslo had the lowest average age.

Average age when scrapped. Private cars and vans. 1985 - 2004.

Private cars scrapped in 2004 had an average age of 18.6 years. This is the highest average age since this statistics was established in 1985. The average age for scrapped vans was 16.0 years.

Older in Finnmark

Private cars in Finnmark had the highest average age when scrapped by 19.9 years. Vans in Finnmark and Troms had the highest average age when scrapped with 18.5 years for both counties.

Average age when scrapped, selected makes. Private cars. 2004.

Mercedes had the highest average age

There were 3 086 private cars made by Mercedes Benz scrapped in 2004. Only 6 per cent of these were beloe 16 years old, and the average age when scrapped was 21.4 years. Volvo and Saab followed closely with average ages of 20.8 and 19.8 years respectively.

Ford was the most frequently scrapped private car in 2004 with 14.9 per cent of all private cars scrapped this year. Opel followed closely by 13.7 per cent of the scrapped private cars. Ford was also the make most frequently scrapped among vans. These constituted 19.2 per cent of all vans scrapped in 2004.
