Transport and tourism

Hotel statisticsMay 2000


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Hotel statistics
Topic: Transport and tourism

Responsible division

Transport, Tourism and ICT Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Definition of the main concepts

The number of hotels corresponds to the number of establishments kept open at least one month during the period the concerned.

Bedrooms and rooms correspond to the number of bedrooms and rooms in the hotels kept open.

Guest-night A person accommodated one night.

Utilisation of bed capacity corresponds to the number of guest-nights in per cent of the number of bed-nights, where bed-nights is the number of beds available multiplied by the number of days kept open during the period concerned.

Utilisation of room capacity corresponds to sold rooms in per cent of the number of room-nights, where room-nights is the number of room available multiplied by the number of days kept open during the period concerned.

Definition of the main variables

Lodging sales is exclusive of all serving of food, even for meals included in the price for the stay.

Some establishments change their capacity during the year. On the basis of information on bed and room capacity per month, the annual or seasonal capacity is calculated as a monthly average.

Season . Winter season is January to April, summer season is May to September and the autumn season is October to December.

Standard classifications

County, municipality.

Administrative information

Regional level

County. Municipality to order.

Frequency and timeliness


International reporting

Not relevant


Micro-data is stored in Oracle databases and in files in SAS and in ascii-format

Other documentation

Norsk Hotellnæring 1950 - 1990. Sosiale og økonomiske studier 77, Statistisk sentralbyrå.

Hotellstatistikken. Dokumentasjon av imputering og tabellrutiner på ny edb-plattform. Notater 95/36, Statistisk sentralbyrå


Background and purpose

The purpose is to measure the level and the development for the commercial traffic at Norwegian collective accommodation establishments, which is a very important part of the Norwegian tourism industry.

The survey was established in 1950. The extent has been a subject to change several times.

Users and applications

The statistics is used by the Ministry of Industry, Norwegian Tourist Board, organisations within the trade, Research Institutes, and International organisations like Eurostat.

Knowledge of the tourist traffic to Norway is important for research and measuring the results of the Norwegian marketing efforts abroad, and the Governments backing on tourism as growth area.

The National Accounts in Statistics Norway is also an important user.

Coherence with other statistics

The hotel statistics is input in the quarterly National Account.

In company with camping statistics, statistics for holiday dwellings and for intermediaries of huts, this statistics gives a contribution for statistical coverage of the Norwegian commercial accommodation-market

Legal authority

The Statistics Act of 1989, §§2-2 and 2-3.

EEA reference

Council Directive 95/57/EC of 23 November 1995 on the collection of statistical information in the field of tourism.



The statistics covers all hotels and similar establishments with a capacity of 20 beds or more, except for camping sites, and member of The Norwegian Youth Hostels Association and The Norwegian Mountain Touring Association.

Data sources and sampling

Postal questionnaires.

Total counting for the hotels and similar establishments with a capacity of 20 beds or more.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

Postal questionnaires sent out 25 th month M-1 with time limit for response 7 th month M+1.

Reporting and recordkeeping burden

A respondent uses 120 minutes a year to fulfil the reporting burden.

The questionnaires are manually data processed by QBE-Vision to Oracle. All questionnaires are subject to mathematical and logical controls during the data processing procedure.


The results are published in the original form. For the seasonal adjustments X12ARIMA is used.

Comparability over time and space

The statistics was established in 1950. Because of several changes in the extent, the statistics is not comparable for the whole period. Except for two expansions (1990 and 1995) by more nationalities specified in the statistics, the hotel statistics is fully comparable from 1985.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

At the time limits expiry, the rate of response is usually 75 - 80 per cent. After one or two reminders a rate of response on 90 per cent is attained. For non-respondents the missing values are calculated.