Transport and tourism

Intermediaries of cabinsMay 2001

The statistics covers Norwegian and foreign guests accommodated in private cabins/houses during the year, which contributes to a more complete coverage of the Norwegian accommodation statistics.


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Intermediaries of cabins
Topic: Transport and tourism

Responsible division

Division for Business Cycle Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

• A private cabin/holiday house/apartment/room is one built for private, not commercial, purposes.
• Guest night: One person spending one night in a cabin/holiday house/apartment/room equals one guest night. A single person can have multiple guest nights at the same place.
• Norwegians and foreigners etc used in the publication refers to residency and not citizenship.
• Region: level between the county and the entire country. Regions consist of a certain number of counties.

Standard classifications

Classification of standard industrial classification (SN2007) NACE 55.2 https://www.ssb.no/en/klass/klassifikasjoner/6
Classification of region https://www.ssb.no/en/klass/klassifikasjoner/106

Administrative information

Regional level

Some intermediaries of holiday homes convey cabins in two or more counties. These respondents report guest nights distributed by counties. When publishing the statistics, guest nights are aggregated into regions. 

Frequency and timeliness

Monthly. Published 4-5 weeks after the end of the month.

International reporting

Not relevant.


Microdata are stored in Oracle databases and as SAS files.


Background and purpose

The purpose of the statistics is to measure the level and development in the guest nights at Norwegian collective accommodation establishments, which are an important part of the Norwegian tourism industry. The survey was established in 1999. This supplements the commercial establishments in the accommodation statistics. 

Users and applications

Primary users of the statistics are the Norwegian Tourist Board, trade organizations and research institutes.

Knowledge of tourist traffic to Norway is vital in assessing both the results of Norwegian marketing efforts abroad and the government's effort in making this industry a growth area.


Equal treatment of users

No external users have access to the statistics and analyses before they are published and accessible simultaneously for all users on ssb.no at 8 am. Prior to this, a minimum of three months' advance notice is given in the Statistics Release Calendar.

Coherence with other statistics

In combination with our accommodation statistics, this statistic contributes to more complete coverage of the Norwegian market in accommodation.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act of 2020, § 10 and § 20.

EEA reference

Not relevant.



The population includes all commercial intermediaries of private cabins, holiday houses, apartments and rooms operating in Norway.


Data sources and sampling

The data is obtained from electronic questionnaires. The survey also uses information from the VAT register and Statistics Norway’s Register of Establishments and Enterprises.
All intermediaries of holiday homes for short term rental are included. 


Collection of data, editing and estimations

The questionnaires are sent out at the end of the month M. The response deadline is the 10th of the month M+1.
All questionnaires and all data reported electronically are subject to logic and mathematical checks.


Seasonal adjustment

The results are presented in its original form. 


To limit the dangers of individual identification, cells based on fewer than 3 units are not published. To ensure confidentiality is preserved, counties are aggregated into regions. 

Comparability over time and space

This survey was established in 1999. In the period 1999-2005 the statistics covered both Norwegian and foreign intermediaries, but only intermediaries with activity in Norway since 2006. This change compromises comparability over time.
From 2020, the statistics cover more Norwegian intermediaries. This means significantly more guest nights reported without necessarily reflecting increased activity. Figures from 2020 onwards are therefore not comparable with figures before 2020. Figures from 2020 and onwards, are comparable in the future. 

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Incorrect responding can occur due to incorrect data entry, interpretational errors, and other reasons. As a result, figures will occasionally be edited.

Measurement errors are caused by the questionnaire design or the respondent’s internal systems for obtaining the data. One source of measurement errors may be ambiguous guidelines. The introduction of electronic data collection has reduced the scope of measurement errors.

Processing errors may occur when Statistics Norway processes the data. Typical examples are misinterpretations, or when correct answers are assumed to be false and corrected. Electronic data collection through Altinn reduces these kinds of errors.

Errors of non-response refer to errors that either occur due to missing questionnaires or blank boxes in the questionnaire. In this situation, respondents are re-contacted.

Sampling errors refer to the uncertainty that occurs in sample surveys as opposed to a full count. These errors are not relevant for intermediaries of holiday homes since all active units are included in the survey.

Coverage errors refer to errors in the registers that define the population. Units may be incorrectly included in or excluded from the population, usually because of delayed register updates. Calculations on the size and significance of such errors have not yet been carried out. However, such errors are not considered to be greater than for other quantitative short-term statistics.

Modeling errors are related primarily to problems with seasonal adjustment of time series. This survey does not publish seasonally adjusted statistics.


Not relevant