Good month for hotels on Svalbard
Transport and tourism;Svalbard
overnattingsv, Accommodation on Svalbard, hotels, nationality of guests, purpose, occupancy rate, beds, hotel rooms, room rates, turnover, holiday/leisure stays, course/conference stays, work-related staysTourism , Transport and tourism, Transport and tourism, Svalbard

Accommodation on SvalbardMay 2011



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Good month for hotels on Svalbard

There were 8 800 guest nights in the collective accommodation establishments on Svalbard in May. This is more than twice as much as the same period last year.

Guest nights, by purpose of the stay and month. 2011

Guest nights, by nationality of the guests and month. 2011

The Norwegian guest nights increased from 3 000 to 7 400 from May 2010 to May 2011, while foreign guest nights increased by 9 per cent.

Guest nights by both business and holiday and recreational purposes increased compared to May 2010.

Revenue per available room increased from NOK 276 last May to NOK 491 in May this year. The total guest nights revenue was NOK 5.7 million, which is an increase of 87 per cent from the same period last year.

Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR)

RevPAR is an important key figure and is defined as lodging revenue (exclusive of meals) divided by number of available rooms. RevPAR expresses potential profit and is an indication of the management’s ability to convert available rooms to income.

Corrected table headings

The headings "Rooms" and "Beds" in Table 1 had been exchanged. This was the case for all publications of Accomodations on Svalbard in the period January to May 2011. This has now been corrected 2 August 2011.
