Vessel traffic abroad rebounds
Transport and tourism
skipanut, Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued), Norwegian registered ships, Norwegian controlled ships, port calls, ship size, ship types (for example tanker, dry cargo ship, passenger vessel), Norwegian ports, foreign portsSea transport , Transport and tourism

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)2010



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Vessel traffic abroad rebounds

From the steep fall of 2009 comes a rebound in 2010. Port calls abroad by Norwegian ships increased by 4.8 per cent, while arrived gross tonnage went up by 6.5 per cent from 2009 to 2010.

Norwegian ships in foreign ports. Arrived gross tonnage by continent. Million. 2008-2010

Norwegian ships in foreign ports. Arrived gross tonnage by register. Million. 2001-2010

Vessels controlled by Norwegian enterprises made 57 800 foreign port calls in 2010. Arrived gross tonnage was 1 174 million tonnes. The corresponding figures for 2009 were 55 100 port calls and 1 102 million of arrived gross tonnage.

Biggest increase in Asia

Norwegian vessels are vessels registered in Norway or vessels registered abroad while under Norwegian effective ownership. These ships made 8 637 port calls in Asia in 2010. Arrived gross tonnage, at 319 million, went up by 39 million from 2009. Europe is still the largest area for Norwegian vessels measured by arrived gross tonnage, with 448 million in arrived gross tonnage in 2010. Despite an increase also in the European traffic, total port calls and total arrived gross tonnage are still below that of 2008.

Norwegian vessels

Figures include vessels registered in Norway and vessels registered abroad owned or effectively controlled by Norwegian enterprises. Only vessels at or above 1 000 gross tonnes and no fishing vessels.
