Transport and tourism

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)2011


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)
Topic: Transport and tourism

Responsible division

Division for Energy, Environmental and Transport Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Norwegian vessels consist of Norwegian registered vessels and Norwegian controlled vessels in foreign ship registers.

Ship register

Norway has two ship registers; The Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS) and The Norwegian Ship Register (NOR). NIS was established in 1987 in order to improve the competitiveness of Norwegian ships. NIS is also open to foreign owned ships. NOR is primarily limited to Norwegian ships operating in Norwegian waters.

Port call

Number of port calls at a specified port for a given period. A ship is considered to have made a port call if the ship is travelling within the port's jurisdiction. Thus a port call does not allways entail an actual mooring.

Gross tonnage

Gross tonnage is a function of the moulded volume of all enclosed spaces of the ship.


Deadweight is the maximum weight that a ship can carry. It is quoted here in metric tonns (1000Kg) but can also sometimes be quoted in long tons (1016Kg). Maximum cargo weight will normally range from 3 to 10 per cent below deadweight due to fuel, water, supplies etc.

Maritime Coastal Areas

Geografic set of values for maritime coastal area are according to Lloyds. Note that this grouping of ports is based on contiguous coastal areas and not countries per se. One country can thus appear in more than one coastal area (Russia and USA).

Scandinavia/Baltic : Aaland Islands, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Faroes, Greenland, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register, Poland, Russia, Svalbard &; Jan Mayen &; Sweden

N Cont Europe : Belgium, Svitzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Luxembourg &; Netherlands

UK/Eire : Great Britain, Isle of Man &; The Irish Republic

Iberian Atlantic : Azores, Canary Islands, Spain, Madeira &; Portugal

S Europe : Albania, Spain, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Monaco, Republic of Malta, Montenegro, Serbia &; Montenegro &; Slovenia

Black Sea : Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Georgia, Croatia, Hungary, Iran, Romania, Russia, Serbia &; Montenegro, Slovakia, Turkmenistan, Turkey &; Ukraine

E Mediterranean : Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Syria &; Turkey

N Africa : Algeria, Egypt, Western Sahara, Spain, Libya, Morocco &; Tunisia

W Africa : Angola, Benin, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kongo Brazzaville, Cape Verde, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, St. Helena, Sierra Leone, Sao Tome &; Principe &; Togo

S &; E Africa : Kerguelen Islands, Comoros, Djibouti, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Mauritius, Mayotte, Namibia, Reunion, Somalia, Seychellene, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen &; South Africa

Red Sea : Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Israel, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan &; Yemen

Persian Gulf : United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar &; Saudi Arabia

Indian Sub Continent : Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar &; Pakistan

Far East - Asean: Peoples Republic of China, Cambodia, South Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Korea, Russia, Taiwan &; Vietnam

Far East - China Sea : Brunei, Peoples Republic of China, Christmas Islands, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand &; East Timor

Japan : Japan

Australasia : American Samoa, Antarctica, Australia, Chile, Cook Islands, Fiji Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, New Caledonia, Nauru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, French Polynesia, Salomon Islands &; Tahiti

N America - Pacific: Canada, &; United States

S America - Pacific : Chile, Columbia, Ecuador &; Peru

S America - Atlantic: Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, The Falkland Islands, Great Britain, French Guyana, Guyana, Netherlands, Peru, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay &; Venezuela

Caribbean : Anguilla, Netherlands Antilles, Antigua &; Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Commonwealth of Dominica, Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, ST. Lucia, Montserrat, Martinique &; Puerto Rico

Central America : Belize, Columbia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama &; El Salvador

US Gulf : United States

US Atlantic : Bermuda &; United States
Great Lakes - Canada Canada, St. Pierre &; Miquelon &; United States

Standard classifications

Classification of ships applied up to 2007 were tankers which includes gas tankers, chemical tankers, oil tankers, bulk/oil, and ore/oil; dry cargo vessels which includes general cargo, container vessels, roro vessels, vehicle carriers, and refer vessels; passenger ships which includes ferries, passenger/roro and cruise vessels; and offshores vessels which includes supply and standby vessels and anchor handling vessels. For more information on vessels groupings, see Table 8 - Norwegian vessels callings, vessels and gross tonnage by vessel type .

Starting in 2007 classification of ships follows Classification of type of vessel 2008

Administrative information

Regional level


Frequency and timeliness


International reporting

Not relevant


Primary data, information on units (vessels, ports and owners) is stored temporarily in the programming language SAS, and is stored permanently as text-files.


Background and purpose

The statistics seek to describe port callings made by Norwegian vessels around the world. Norwegian ships are ships that are either registered in Norway or controlled by Norwegian enterprises.

The survey include Norwegian calls by Norwegian vessels in domestic and foreign ports, and is based on data registered by Lloyd`s Marine Intelligence Unit. The statistics cover vessels over 1 000 gross tonnes for the vessel groupings tankers, dry cargo vessels, passenger- and cruise vessels, offshore vessels and specialised vessels and support vessels. More types of vessels have been included in the statistics for 2002 compared to earlier investigations/surveys. However, this has little impact on the comparability between figures from previous years.

Starting in 2007 we use a new standard to classify types of ship in categories. The standard is set by Statistics Norway in cooperation with industry groups. More on this in chapter 4.1

Similar surveys were conducted in 1990, 1994, 1998 and 2001. Investigations on port of calls from 1990, 1994 and 1998 are described in further details in respectively NOS (Norwegain Public Statistics) Water transport 1991, NOS Water transport 1994 and NOS Water transport 1998.

In 2011 Lloyds started using AIS in their data compilation.

Users and applications

Users of this statistics are industry/trade organizations, enterprises in the maritime industries, and as an input in other statistics.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

In Maritime transport statistics cargo movements over Norwegian ports are reported.

In The Merchant Fleet an account of all ships in Norwegian ship registers are presented.

The Sea freight transport survey, 2007 gives a summary of sea transport between Norwegian ports and between Norwegian and foreign ports.

Legal authority

Not relevant

EEA reference

Not relevant



Data is collected by Lloyd`s Marine Intelligence Unit, which registers data on movement of vessels between ports. Data is limited to Norwegian vessels as defined by Lloyd`s - i.e. registered or "true" owner is Norwegian and/or the vessel is in the Norwegian ship registers Norsk Ordinært Skipsregister (NOR) or Norsk Internasjonalt Skipsregister (NIS)

Since 1998 vessels registered in foreign registers but controlled by Norwegian companies are included.

From 2002 callings at Norwegian ports are also included . Vessels in ordinary scheduled traffic are not part of the statistics.

Vessels under 1 000 gross tonnes are not included.

Fishing vessels are not included.

Data sources and sampling

The data is purchased from Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

The data is collected by Lloyd's agents around the world. In 2011 this is supplemented by AIS data.

Analysis is limited to aggregated data. Aggregated figures are compared to previous years.

Editing is only made if variables display lack of logical consistency to other variables.

Net tonnage and dead weight are estimated if missing. The method applies the relationship between gross tonnage and net tonnage / dead weight at similar vessels.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

Port callings before 1998 does not include Norwegian controlled vessels registered in foreign ship registers.

Port calls in Norwegian ports is included in 2002.

More vessel types are included in the 2002 statistics than in earlier figures. This will, however, have a very little impact on comparability between different years.

Starting in 2007 classification of ships follows the new standard Classification of type of vessel 2008 . For tankers the only change is with respect to combination ships in bulk and oil which now can be found in bulk . Vessel previously found in dry cargo is now distributed between bulk and general cargo . Passenger is mainly unchanged while ships in specialized vessels and other and offshore now are divided between offshore , tugs and salvage and specialized vessels and support .

Lloyds started using AIS data towards the end of 2010. The change in method represents a interruption of the time series. The change implies:

  1. better coverage of ports
  2. better coverage of smaller vessels
  3. better coverage of local traffic and certain vessel types as ferries, offshore, tugs and fishing vessels

Tables in Statbank have been redesigned as of data for 2011. Data for 2004-2010 are therefore tabulated anew. Because of this there might be small discrepancies between figures in Statbank and figures in tables attached to the article from before 2011.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Vessels with missing value for flag state and/or ownership are not included.

While data is consider a complete count of vessel movements there are known cases where there are missing registrations. We have not corrected these omissions.


Not relevant