Increased turnover for hotels and restaurants
Transport and tourism
sthotell, Accommodation and food service activities, structural business statistics, hotels, restaurants, cafes, catering, canteens, youth hostels, camping sites, bars, turnover, employees, operationnal accounts, investments, wage costs, enterprises, establishmentsTourism , Transport and tourism

Accommodation and food service activities, structural business statistics2002, preliminary figures



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Increased turnover for hotels and restaurants

In 2002 Norwegian hotels and restaurants had a turnover of 40 billion NOK and employed just above 84 000 people.

The preliminary figures show that the turnover increased by nearly 3 per cent compared with the final figures for 2001. In the same period the employment increased by almost 750 people.

Turnover in billion NOK and employment for restaurants. Final figures for 2000 and 2001. Preliminary figures for 2002

Industry groups, by turnover. Enterprises. Preliminary figures 2002. Billion NOK

Increase for restaurants

Restaurants had a turnover of 19.1 billion NOK in 2002. It is an increase of 819 million NOK from 2001. Compared with the period from 2000 to 2001 it was a decrease in the growth. In that period the turnover increased by almost 2 billion NOK.

Increase in number of enterprises

According to the preliminary figures there is an increase in the number of enterprises. It is to a large extent due to better register information as a result of value added tax (VAT) reform and enterprises with a low turnover - not included last year - now are included.

Preliminary figures

The preliminary figures for the number of enterprises, turnover and employment are published while data are still being revised and may therefore deviate somewhat from final results published at a later date. While preliminary figures are published on the enterprise level only, final results are published on both enterprise level and local kind-of-activity unit level.

The employment figures are compiled according to definitions given by the EU regulation on structural business statistics and is measured as an annual average. People with more than one job are counted as an employee in several enterprises. More detailed information about this and other definitions used in the structural business statistics for hotels and restaurants are available in "About the statistics".
